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Additive effects of climate change on connectivity between marine protected areas and larval supply to fished areas ArchiMer
Andrello, Marco; Mouillot, David; Somot, Samuel; Thuiller, Wilfried; Manel, Stephanie.
AimTo study the combined effects of climate change on connectivity between marine protected areas (MPAs) and larval supply to the continental shelf. LocationThe Mediterranean Sea, where sea surface temperatures are expected to strongly increase by the end of the 21st century, represents an archetypal situation with a dense MPA network but resource overexploitation outside. MethodsUsing an individual-based mechanistic model of larval transport, forced with an emission-driven regional climate change scenario for the Mediterranean Sea, we explored the combined effects of changes in hydrodynamics, adult reproductive timing and larval dispersal on the connectivity among MPAs and their ability to seed fished areas with larvae. ResultsWe show that, over the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biophysical model; Conservation planning; Epinephelus marginatus; Larval dispersal; Larval growth rate; Reproductive timing.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Connectivity patterns of coastal fishes following different dispersal scenarios across a transboundary marine protected area (Bonifacio strait, NW Mediterranean) ArchiMer
Koeck, Barbara; Gerigny, Olivia; Durieux, Eric Dominique Henri; Coudray, Sylvain; Garsi, Laure-helene; Bisgambiglia, Paul-antoine; Galgani, Francois; Agostini, Sylvia.
The Strait of Bonifacio constitutes one of the rare transboundary Marine Protected Areas (MPA) of the Mediterranean Sea (between Sardinia, Italy and Corsica, France). Based on the hypothesis that no-take zones will produce more fish larvae, compared to adjacent fished areas, we modeled the outcome of larvae released by coastal fishes inside the no-take zones of the MPA in order to: (i) characterize the dispersal patterns across the Strait of Bonifacio; (ii) identify the main potential settlement areas; (iii) quantify the connectivity and the larval supply from the MPAs to the surrounding areas. A high resolution hydrodynamic model (MARS 3D, Corse 400m) combined to an individual based model (Ichthyop software) was used to model the larval dispersal of fish...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biophysical model; Early life stages; Reproductive timing; Pelagic larval duration; Corsica; Ichthyoplankton.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Reproductive timing and larval dispersal of intertidal crabs: the predator avoidance hypothesis RChHN
Many intertidal and shallow water crabs have strong reproductive cycles and migratory larvae. Females release larvae near the time of high water of the larger amplitude nocturnal tides during the semilunar or lunar cycles. Newly hatched larvae move quickly at night toward and into the sea where, weeks later, they develop to megalopae that then ride nocturnal flood tides inshore and up estuaries to settle in adult habitats. It was first thought that crabs might time larval release so that larvae will become megalopae when they can ride the larger amplitude spring flood tides to adult habitats. This idea was rejected when it was found that were was no change in the timing of hatching during the breeding season by several estuarine species that would...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Larval release; Larval dispersal; Crabs; Reproductive timing; Plankton; Predation.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Starting with a handicap: phenotypic differences between early- and late-born king penguin chicks and their survival correlates ArchiMer
Stier, Antoine; Viblanc, Vincent A.; Massemin-challet, Sylvie; Handrich, Yves; Zahn, Sandrine; Rojas, Emilio R.; Saraux, Claire; Le Vaillant, Maryline; Prud'Homme, Onesime; Grosbellet, Edith; Robin, Jean-patrice; Bize, Pierre; Criscuolo, Francois.
1. The exceptionally long (c. 11 months) growth period of king penguin chicks (Aptenodytes patagonicus) is interrupted by the Austral winter. As a consequence, penguin chicks born late in the breeding season have little time to build-up their energy reserves before the drastic energy bottleneck they experience during winter and face greater risks of mortality than early-born chicks. 2. Whereas it is well known that breeding adults alternate between early- and late-breeding attempts, little is known on the phenotype of early- and late-chicks, and on the potential existence of specific adaptive phenotypic responses in late-born individuals. 3. We investigated phenotypic differences between early- and late-chicks and tested their survival correlates both...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Early-life conditions; Phenotypic plasticity; Oxidative stress; Individual quality; Growth; Telomere; Corticosterone; Reproductive timing.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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