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Factors associated with adherence to immunomodulator treatment in people with multiple sclerosis BJPS
Câmara,Nair Assunta Antônia Corso; Gondim,Ana Paula Soares.
Abstract To determine the association between factors and adherence to immunomodulator treatment in people with multiple sclerosis treated in reference centers. Cross-sectional study conducted with 188 people who used immunomodulators in three reference centers in Ceará from March to July 2012. Adherence was assessed using the Moriskscale and factors were assessed using a questionnaire addressing socioeconomic and personal characteristics, the disease, the use of immunomodulator and educational activities. The determination of the association was expressed in crude and adjusted odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval. Adherence rate was 46% and after the logistic regression model the adherence to immunomodulator treatment was positively associated with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Multiple sclerosis/medication adherence; Multiple sclerosis/treatment; Immunologic factors; Risk factors..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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