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Theoretical study of the effect of round straps on the selectivity in a diamond mesh cod-end 5
Herrmann, B; Priour, Daniel; Krag, L.
FEMNET, a numerical tool based on the finite element method, was applied to estimate the shapes of various diamond-mesh cod-end designs during fishing. The only design differences rest in the use of round straps of different lengths, positions and numbers. The cod-end shape estimates were then entered in the selectivity simulation tool PRESEMO to simulate the selectivity processes of the various cod-end designs under the same varying fishing conditions. This enabled us to demonstrate how one or two round straps along the cod-end axis may change the selectivity of the cod-end compared with a reference cod-end, without round straps. We predict that in cod-end designs, which comply with the EU legislation, the 50% retention length (L50) may be reduced by up...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Catch weight; FEMNET; PRESEMO; Round straps; Cod end selectivity.
Ano: 2006 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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