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The vertical structure of open-ocean submesoscale variability during a full seasonal cycle ArchiMer
Erickson, Zachary K; Thompson, Andrew F; Callies, Jörn; Yu, Xiaolong; Naveira Garabato, Alberto; Klein, Patrice.
Submesoscale dynamics are typically intensified at boundaries and assumed to weaken below the mixed layer in the open ocean. Here, we assess both the seasonality and the vertical distribution of submesoscale motions in an open ocean region of the northeast Atlantic. Second-order structure functions, or variance in properties separated by distance, are calculated from submesoscale-resolving ocean glider and mooring observations, as well as a 1/48° numerical ocean model. This data set combines a temporal coverage that extends through a full seasonal cycle, a horizontal resolution that captures spatial scales as small as 1 km, and vertical sampling that provides near-continuous coverage over the upper 1000 m. While kinetic and potential energies undergo a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Instability; Mixing; Small scale processes; Buoy observations; Profilers; Oceanic.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Global Patterns of Submesoscale Surface Salinity Variability ArchiMer
Drushka, Kyla; Asher, William E.; Sprintall, Janet; Gille, Sarah T.; Hoang, Clifford.
Surface salinity variability on O(1-10) km lateral scales (the submesoscale) generates density variability and thus has implications for submesoscale dynamics. Satellite salinity measurements represent a spatial average over horizontal scales of approximately 40-100 km but are compared to point measurements for validation, so submesoscale salinity variability also complicates validation of satellite salinities. Here, we combine several databases of historical thermosalinograph (TSG) measurements made from ships to globally characterize surface submesoscale salinity, temperature, and density variability. In river plumes; regions affected by ice melt or upwelling; and the Gulf Stream, South Atlantic, and Agulhas Currents, submesoscale surface salinity...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Small scale processes; Freshwater; Fronts; Sea surface temperature; Oceanic variability.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Observations of Layering under a Warm-Core Ring in the Gulf of Mexico ArchiMer
Meunier, Thomas; Pallas Sanz, Enric; Tenreiro, Miguel; Ochoa, Jose; Angulo, Angel Ruiz; Buckingham, Christian.
Two glider transects in the Gulf of Mexico reveal fine-vertical-scale thermohaline structures within a Loop Current eddy (LCE). Partially compensating temperature and salinity anomalies are shown to organize as thin layers below the eddy and near its edges. The anomalies have vertical scales ranging from 2 to 60 m and extend laterally over distances up to 120 km. These structures are evident in synthetic acoustic reflectivity derived from the glider data and are reminiscent of the intense layering observed in seismic imagery around meddies, Agulhas rings, and warm-core Kuroshio rings. The observed layers are aligned with the geostrophic streamfunction rather than isopycnals and develop preferentially in zones of intense vertical shear. These observations...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eddies; Mesoscale processes; Small scale processes; In situ oceanic observations; Quasigeostrophic models; Tracers.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Cyclones and Anticyclones in Seismic Imaging ArchiMer
Barbosa Aguiar, A. C.; Menesguen, Claire; Le Gentil, Sylvie; Schopp, Richard; Carton, Xavier.
Nearly all the subsurface eddies detected in seismic imaging of sections in the northeast Atlantic have been assumed to be anticyclones containing Mediterranean Water (MW). Fewer MW cyclones have been observed and studied. In this study, the work of previous numerical studies is extended to investigate some characteristics of layering surrounding MW cyclones, using a primitive equation model with equal diffusivities for salinity and temperature to suppress the effects of double diffusion. It is shown that, after a stable state is reached, both anticyclones and cyclones display similar patterns of layering: stacked thin layers of high acoustic reflectivity located above and below the core of each vortex, which do not match isopycnals. The authors conclude...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Geographic location/entity; North Atlantic Ocean; Circulation/ Dynamics; Small scale processes; Atm/Ocean Structure/ Phenomena; Eddies; Vortices; Observational techniques and algorithms; Acoustic measurements/effects; Models and modeling; Primitive equations model.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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