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La marge sud-marocaine et les premières phases d'ouverture de l'océan Atlantique Central 5
Labails, Cinthia.
We here propose a twofold approach to study the continental margins of the Central Atlantic Ocean, with special focus on the South Morocco Margin, in front of Reguibat bloc. This approach is based on plate kinematics reconstructions and geological field studies to map and constrain the geometry of the plate boundary though time and seismic sections (reflection and refraction) to decipher the tectonic and sedimentary history of the margin. Sahabi et al. (2004) recently showed that the opening of the central Atlantic Ocean started 195 my ago (Sinemurian basis) (i.e. 20 my later than what was generally proposed in earlier models). Based on this result and on the analysis of geophysical data (including new seismic lines, a new magnetic anomaly grid and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tectonic inheritance; Combined wide angle and deep reflection seismic; South Moroccan margin; Crustal structure; Non volcanic continental passive margin; Héritage tectonique; Sismique réflexion et réfraction; Structure crustale; Marge continentale passive Sud Maroc.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Contraintes par imagerie sismique pénétrante sur l'évolution d'une marge Cénozoïque réactivée en compression (cas de la marge algérienne, secteur de Tipaza) 5
Lepretre, Angelique.
The inversion of passive margins appears to be one of the first steps towards the initiation of new subduction zones. This crucial step in plate tectonics nevertheless still raises many questions. The study of margins currently reactivated by compressional tectonics is thus essential to better understand this process. These margins are uncommon, located in different geodynamic settings, and the factors determining their evolution are poorly constrained. The Algerian margin, located in North Africa, is one of handful of modern examples worldwide. The evolution of this margin, rifted during the Miocene, in a back-arc setting, is part ofthe complex puzzle of the western Mediterranean. Since a few million years, the margin has suffered inversion and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marge algérienne; Structure crustale; Réactivation en compression; Bassin arrière-arc; Méditerranée Occidentale; Sismique-réflexion marine; Sismique grand-angle; Algerian margin; Crustal structure; Compressional reactivation; Back-arc basin; Western Mediterranean; Marine reflection-seismic profiles; Wide-angle seismic profile.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Deep crustal structure across a young passive margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data (The SARDINIA Experiment) - I. Gulf of Lion's margin 5
Moulin, Maryline; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Afilhado, Alexandra; Aslanian, Daniel; Schnurle, Philippe; Nouze, Herve; Rabineau, Marina; Beslier, Marie-odile; Feld, Aurelie.
The conjugate margins system of the Gulf of Lion and West Sardinia (GLWS) represents a unique natural laboratory for addressing fundamental questions about rifting due to its landlocked situation, its youth, its thick sedimentary layers, including prominent palaeo-marker such as the MSC event, and the amount of available data and multidisciplinary studies. The main goals of the SARDINIA experiment, were to (i) investigate the deep structure of the entire system within the two conjugate margins: the Gulf of Lion and West Sardinia, (ii) characterize the nature of the crust, and (iii) define the geometry of the basin and provide important constrains on its genesis. This paper presents the results of P-wave velocity modelling on three coincident near-vertical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marge continentale passive; Structure crustale; Réfraction; Golfe du Lion; Croûte océanique; Domaine transitionnel; Continental passive margin; Crustal structure; Wide-angle seismic; Gulf of Lion; Oceanic crust; Transitional domain.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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