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Structure spatiale et cartographie des peuplements benthiques du bassin de Marennes- Oléron : première approche par la méthode du krigeage ArchiMer
Bacher, Cedric; Sauriau, Pierre-guy.
Les peuplements benthiques du bassin de Marennes-Oléron ont été échantillonnées au printemps 1984 dans le but d'étudier le stock des compétiteurs des populations de filtreurs cultivés (huître Crassostrea gigas et moule Mytilus edulis). 370 échantillons ont été prélevés sur une surface d'étude de 18Okm2 en utilisant un plan aléatoire stratifié. Les résultats ont été regroupés en deux groupes d'espèces ayant des stratégies nutritionnelles différentes (mollusques déposivores ou suspensivores). Ces deux groupes trophiques ont été cartographiés, après une transformation logarithmique en utilisant la technique du krigeage. Pour chaque groupe trois modèles de structure spatiale ont été utilisés: covariance généralisée, semi-variogrammme unidirectionnel ou...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Estimation stocks; Structure spatiale; Stratification; Peuplement benthique; Bassin Marennes Oléron; Cartographie; Modélisation.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Stability of spatial structures of demersal assemblages: a multitable approach ArchiMer
Gaertner, Jean-claude; Chessel, Daniel; Bertrand, Jacques.
The present work is based on a set of bottom trawl surveys performed in the Gulf of Lions between 1983 and 1992. A new method which couples the STATIS multitable approach with the logic of correspondence analysis (CoA) is proposed to study the stability of spatial organization of demersal assemblages in terms of species composition. This CoA version of STATIS has provided a clear representation of the stable part of the spatial structure of the assemblages. In addition, it gave an insight into the interannual variations of the distribution of each population around the reference structure. Our results showed that the demersal assemblages of the Gulf of Lions exhibited strong spatial structuring, mainly orientated along a bathymetric gradient. This gradient...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Assemblage de poissons; Chalutage; Analyse multitableaux; Méditerranée; Stabilité; Structure spatiale; Fish assemblage; Trawl surveys; Multitable analysis; Correspondence analysis; Mediterranean sea; Stability; Spatial structure.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Réseau trophique de l'anse de l'Aiguillon : dynamique et structure spatiale de la macrofaune et des limicoles hivernants ArchiMer
Degre, Delphine.
The Aiguillon Cove has been preserved as Natural Reserves since 1996 and 1999 for its international importance as wintering areas for waterbirds. The benthic communities of this a macrotidal bay were still little studied. In order to understand the spatial pattern and the dynamics of the main compartments of its trophic network, two cartographies were carried out at the time of the departure (March) and the arrival (October) of the waders. A monthly study was carried out too in three stations of the upper mudflat. The spatio-temporal homogeneity of the granulometry of the sediments and the strong seasonal variation of the salinity of pore water were highlighted. The molluscs' diversity is low, especially on the upper mudflat where abundance of Hydrobia...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carrying capacity; Inverse analysis; Spatio temporal patterns; Food web; Isotope; Waders; Molluscs bivalves; Aiguillon Cove; Capacité d'accueil; Analyse inverse; Dynamique des populations; Structure spatiale; Réseau trophique; Isotope; Limicoles; Bivalves; Mollusques; Anse de l'Aiguillon.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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