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Application of deterministic model of isothermals for population dynamics of Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Diptera, Muscidae) BJB
The isothermal deterministic model adherence was studied to evaluate the population dinamic of Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Diptera, Muscidae). The linear form of equation obtained for the experiments in the several phases, were for Egg: 1/D = -0.18 + 0.02 . T; Larva: 1/D = -0.028 + 0.01. T; Pupa: 1/D = -0.069 + 0.01 . T; and Adult: 1/D = -0.4178 + 0.02 . T. In function of temperature, S. nudiseta can present from 4.18 to 8.95 and from 4.91 to 8.99 generations per year, when calculated through the equations of development and through the simulations, respectively. And the higher the temperature the larger the generation number. Through variance analysis it was verified the significance for the regression equations in relation to the annual generation number...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Deterministic model; Population dynamics; Synthesiomyia nudiseta; Diptera.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Muscidae (Diptera) of medico-legal importance associated with ephemeral organic substrates in seasonally dry tropical forests Pap. Avulsos de Zool. (São Paulo)
Barbosa,Taciano Moura; Vasconcelos,Simão Dias.
Abstract Muscidae (Diptera) comprises one of the most important taxa in medical, veterinary and forensic entomology, especially due to their association with decomposing carcasses and cadavers. Yet, knowledge on their distribution and behaviour is still incipient in several biomes, which is the case of dry tropical forests. This study aimed to evaluate the attractiveness of different organic substrates to species of Muscidae in areas of seasonally dry forests (Caatinga) in Northern Brazil. Sampling was carried out in five Caatinga areas between 2015 and 2017, using suspended traps baited with bovine spleen, fish or human faeces. When all samplings were combined, 3,176 adults of nine species were collected. The assemblages of muscids had higher richness and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atherigona orientalis; Caatinga; Carrion; Forensic entomology; Synthesiomyia nudiseta.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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