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Double Root Anatomical Variations in a Single Patient: Endodontic Treatment and Rehabilitation of a Three-rooted First Premolar. Case Report International Journal of Morphology
Oporto V,Gonzalo H; Saavedra,Rubén; Soto P,Camila C; Fuentes,Ramón.
Abnormal interaction between oral epithelium and underlying mesenchematic tissue during odontogenesis could result in teeth with an anatomical variation. First maxilar premolar has such variable root canal morphology. However, (0.2-6% of cases) a three-rooted premolar is particularly uncommon. First mandibular premolar frequently has one root and one single canal (75% of cases), however, a tooth with two canals and two separate roots could be found (19.5-22.5%). Execution of an accurate diagnosis of root canal system is essential to perform a successful endodontic treatment and tooth rehabilitation. This article describes diagnosis, endodontic treatment and rehabilitation (means single crown) of a maxillary three-rooted and three-canal first premolar, and...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anatomical variation; Root canal; Teeth root; Teeth endodontically treated; Premolar; Crown.
Ano: 2013 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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