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The Newman method, modified for the estimation of the total thallus length of filamentous algae OMA
Gillis, J..
Newman's (1966) method of total root length estimation is modified and adapted to measure total length of filamentous algae in culture (i.c. <i>Polysiphonia</i>). This method makes possible a measurement and an estimation of the growth of the algae in culture without disturbing them. The petri dishes are placed on a 1x1 mm grid and the filament/grid intersections are counted. Total filament length (T) is given by T = Pi N (LxW)/4(LxW), with N = the number of intersections, L = the length and W = width of area in which the thallus is situated. Total filament length of <i>Polysiphonia</i> in culture estimated by the Newman method is compared with camera lucida measurements. The correlation between the results obtained by the 2...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Algae; Measurement; Thallus.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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