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A statistical approach to relationships between fluid emissions and faults: The Sea of Marmara case 5
Henry, P.; Grall, Celine; Kende, J.; Viseur, S.; Ozeren, M. S.; Sengor, A. M. C.; Dupre, Stephanie; Scalabrin, Carla; Geli, Louis.
The Sea of Marmara is traversed by the North Anatolian Fault system and also presents abundant emission sites of methane gas into the water column. In order to assess the spatial relationship between gas emissions and active faults, the distribution of distances between gas emission sites and the nearest fault is calculated and compared with the distribution of distances between a uniform random distribution of points (Poisson process representing the null hypothesis of an absence of relationship between gas emissions and faults) and the nearest fault. Interestingly, the distance distribution for the Poisson process is nearly exponential, indicating that the fault map does not have a characteristic scale other than that representing the intensity of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cold seeps; Gas emissions; Transform plate boundary; Strike-slip fault; Damage zone.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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