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Elements sur les investissements et les couts de production de la petite peche non chalutiere bigoudene ArchiMer
Girard, Sophie.
A classification of non trawling small fishing boats of the Guilvinec port synthesizes a first desc ription study. The characteristics used for this typology are the number of labour and the fishing gear. The analysis of the income and the investment allows for an estimate of the differences in productivity and in capital intensity among the small-scale fisheries. Then, the analysis of a survey on the production costs deals mainly with the remuneration of labour in the artisanal fisheries.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Typology; Labour; Costs of production; Investment; Guilvinec; Small scale fishery; SEM; Typologie; Travail; Coûts de production; Investissements; Pêche côtière Bretagne.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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