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Erosion of the nocturnal boundary layer in the central Amazon during the dry season Acta Amazonica
CARNEIRO,Rayonil Gomes; FISCH,Gilberto; BORGES,Camilla Kassar; HENKES,Alice.
ABSTRACT In this study, the erosion of the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) was analyzed in the central Amazon during the dry season of 2014, using data from the GoAmazon 2014/5 Project and high-resolution model outputs (PArallelized Les Model - PALM). The dataset consisted of in situ (radiosonde) and remote sensing instruments measurements (Ceilometer, Lidar, Wind Profiler, microwave radiometer, and SODAR). The results showed that the NBL erosion occurred, on average, two hours after sunrise (06:00 local time), and the sensible heat flux provided more than 50% of the sensible heating necessary for the erosion process to occur. After the erosion, the convective phase developed quickly (175.2 m h-1). The measurements of the remote sensors showed that the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Planetary boundary layer; Turbulent kinetic energy; Heat flux; NBL erosion.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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