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LiDAR Validation of a Video-Derived Beachface Topography on a Tidal Flat ArchiMer
Didier, David; Bernatchez, Pascal; Augereau, Emmanuel; Caulet, Charles; Dumont, Dany; Bismuth, Eliott; Cormier, Louis; Floc'H, France; Delacourt, Christophe.
Increasingly used shore-based video stations enable a high spatiotemporal frequency analysis of shoreline migration. Shoreline detection techniques combined with hydrodynamic conditions enable the creation of digital elevation models (DEMs). However, shoreline elevations are often estimated based on nearshore process empirical equations leading to uncertainties in video-based topography. To achieve high DEM correspondence between both techniques, we assessed video-derived DEMs against LiDAR surveys during low energy conditions. A newly installed video system on a tidal flat in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Atlantic Canada, served as a test case. Shorelines were automatically detected from time-averaged (TIMEX) images using color ratios in low energy conditions...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Video monitoring; Shoreline detection; Beach morphology; Mobile terrestrial LiDAR; Erosion; Atlantic Canada.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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