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Deep-sea Pycnogonida collected by the “Cirrus” in the Northern Atlantic Naturalis
Stock, J.H..
Two Pycnogonida only have been collected during the cruises of the meteorological vessel ”Cirrus” in deep plankton tows, but both specimens, each belonging to a different species, proved to be of considerable interest. I am indebted to Mr. C. L. Bekkering and Mr. S. D. Koning, who presented this precious material to the Zoölogisch Museum, Amsterdam. The one specimen belongs to a relatively well-known species, Callipallene acus (Meinert, 1898). On the basis of this material, our knowledge on the external morphology of this species, more particularly on the polymorphism in the legs, could be extended.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Democracia y sindicalismo Buscador Latinoamericano
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Description of two new species of Ophiuroidea collected during the Snellius Expedition Naturalis
Hobart Clark, A..
INTRODUCTION Mr. Austin Hobart Clark, a personal friend of Dr. H. Boschma and during many years curator of the collections of Echinoderms in the U.S. National Museum (Smithsonian Institution), died on October 28, 1954, before his study of the collection of Ophiuroidea from the Snellius Expedition could be completed. A large part of this collection, identified by Mr. Clark, is now preserved in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden; a minor portion of the Ophiurid collection still awaits its revisor. Amongst the identified material there are two new species, the descriptions and drawings of which were finished by Mr. Clark before his decease. These were found amongst papers of the late Mr. Clark in the U.S. National Museum by Dr. Fenner A. Chace,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.72.
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Desenvolvimento de mudas de café em recipientes de lâminas de Pinho-do-Paraná preservadas Bragantia
Figueiredo,J. I.; Brilho,Cícero Côrte; Toledo,Sérgio V.; Ghilardi,E..
Lâminas de pinho-do-paraná (Araucaria angustifolia Bert), comumente empregadas como recipientes para mudas de café, foram submetidas a tratamento com preservativos diversos. Utilizaram-se, em várias concentrações: sulfato de cobre, mistura cromo-arseno-fluo-fenólica, creosôto e óleo usado de motores. A eficiência dos preservativos foi, em ordem decrescente: creosôto, mistura de creosôto e óleo usado de motores, respectivamente nas proporções 20:80 e 50:50, óleo usado de motores, sulfato de cobre a 3%, mistura cromo-arseno-fluo-fenólica e sulfato de cobre a 1,5%. Não foi observado qualquer efeito tóxico das substâncias preservadoras, sôbre as mudas de café.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Desenvolvimento do sistema radicular do arroz e do feijoeiro em duas séries de solo do vale do Paraíba Bragantia
Inforzato,Romeu; Guimarães,Geraldo; Borgonovi,Mário.
Foram estudados os sistemas radiculares do arroz e do feijoeiro cultivados em solos das séries Coruputuba 1 e Quati 1, irrigados por elevação do lençol de água. O arroz apresentou 70% das raízes nos primeiros 5 cm de profundidade do solo, cerca de 93% até 10 cm e o restante, até 75 cm. Noventa e nove por cento das raízes estavam contidas na primeira camada de 25 cm de profundidade. O feijoeiro apresentou 62% de suas raízes nos primeiros 10 cm de profundidade do solo e o restante até 70 cm.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Didymozoon sphyraenae Taschenberg, 1879 - паразит сфирен Адриатического моря IBSS Repository
Николаева, В. М..
Tipo: Journal Contribution
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Die Euphthiracaridae Jacot, 1930, und Ihre Gattungen (Acari, Oribatei) Naturalis
Märkel, K..
INHALT Einleitung.................... 4 Über den Körperbau der Euphthiracaridae........... 8 Die Gattungen der Euphthiracaridae............ 18 Oribotritia Jacot, 1924b................ 18 O. berlesei (Michael, 1898).............. 19 Indotritia Jacot, 1929................. 24 I. krakatauensis consimilis n. subsp............. 25 I. acanthophora n.sp................. 27 Austrotritia Sellnick, 1959............... 30 Protoribotritia Jacot, 1938............... 31 P. aberrans (Märkel & Meyer, 1959)........... 31 Perutritia n.g................... 33 P. amazonensis n.sp................. 36 P. curviseta (Hammer, 1961)............. 36 Mesotritia Forsslund, 1963............... 38 Entomotritia n.subg.................. 39 M. (M.) testacea Forsslund, 1963...............
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.74.
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Dien bien phu Buscador Latinoamericano
Vo Nguyen Giap; Giap, Vo Nguyen.
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Distribuição e características da cultura cafeeira no município de campinas levantadas pela foto interpretação Bragantia
Amaral,Álvaro Zingra do.
No presente trabalho, são apresentados os resultados de levantamentos sôbre a cultura cafeeira no município de Campinas, feitos através da fotointerpretação. Estimou-se o número total de pés de café, sua distribuição por tipo de solo, idade e forma de plantio e a área por êles ocupada. Foram utilizadas fotografias aéreas tomadas em junho de 1962 com escala aproximada de 1:25.000. Os resultados mostraram um total de 1.953.000 pés de café, dos quais 65% com até quinze anos de idade. A área ocupada atinge 1697 ha.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Doenças da folha do tomateiro que ocorrem no Pará. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Aschochyta nycopersici; Cladosporim fulvum; Pará; Brasil; Tomato; Leaf; Disease; Fungo; Doença; Mofo Cinzento; Queima da Folha; Tomate; Amazonia; Fungi.
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Dryopteris tavelii in het Belgische gedeelte van het Kempense en Vlaamse district Naturalis
Vannerom, H..
In the northern part of Belgium, Dryopteris tavelii is mostly found in young plantations of Pinus in the Campine and Flemish districts. As some of these localities are situated near the Dutch border, the author expects that the species may also occur in similar habitats in the Netherlands parts of these districts.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Early stages of the "Ceracidae" (Lepidoptera), with remarks on the true position of the group Naturalis
Diakonoff, A..
The superfamily Tortricoidea, the so-called leaf-rollers, contains a group of exceptionally large and conspicuously coloured species, forming the chiefly Central Asiatic Cerace group. Superficially these species do not resemble other leaf-rollers very closely. Consequently several authors placed them incorrectly: Butler (1881), Warren (1888) and Cotes (1889) in the Lithosiidae, Snellen (1903) in the Tineidae, Meyrick (1907) originally in the Plutellidae. But Walker (1863) and also Moore (1888) recognised their Tortricoid character and later also Meyrick (1908) came to the same conclusion. However, the true systematic position of the Cerace group within the superfamily Tortricoidea appeared to be even more puzzling, and subject to considerable controversy....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 42.75.
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Ecologie, morphologie et biologie comparées des deux espèces du genre Lepidorhombus : L. Megastoma (Donovan) et L. Boscii (Risso) étude de leurs races et populations ArchiMer
Dwivedi, Shree Narain.
Order Heterostomata, a large group of flatfish, has always played an important economic role in fisheries around the world. Its numerous representatives have either a wide distribution or a very localised distribution. In this group, the genus Lepidorhombus presents two species that are found on the European continental shelf in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It has never been particularly fished but it nevertheless has a certain economic importance because it is caught in trawls along with commercial species. In the past, this fish had not received any particular attention and had not been extensively studied, excepting the works by Cligny (1905), Couch (1877), Fulton (1890-1905), Kyle (1900-1913) and Norman (1934). Furnestin (1935)...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Economic Decisions in Producing Irrigated Grain Sorghum on the Northern High Plains of Texas NWISRL
Wehrly, J.S.; Sletten, W.H.; Jensen, M.E..
American farmers have a wealth of research data available to them. Much of the data is concerned with technical problems of increasing yields, improving quality and reducing costs. In nearly all instances the improved practices can be applied by a farmer only at a cost. The farmer must decide if the improvement in output, quality or efficiency is enough to justify the extra cost, or more likely, must decide to what extent these practices should be applied. The extent to which any single agricultural input should be used cannot be determined without considering the use and effect of other inputs and the costs of all inputs and the price of the product. This publication is concerned with the amounts of nitrogen and irrigation water to use in...
Tipo: Technical Bulletin Palavras-chave: Sorghum; Mass Import - autoclassified (may be erroneous).
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Economic integration aspects and problems Buscador Latinoamericano
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Editorial Naturalis
It is a well-known saying that first brains should come, then books, then bricks. As for Malesian botany, emphasis lies for a moment clearly on bricks. But however useful they are, and coming first in abundance at that, we firmly keep our conviction that they come last in importance. Much as we enjoy the building activities which are going on in botanical institutes, yet we will review the main events of the year in the rightful order. BRAINS. We lost two of our outstanding colleagues and friends, first died Dr Ch. Baehni, who in his capacity as the Director of the Geneva Herbarium, has done much to support and cooperate with our enterprise. Later died Dr K.B. Boedijn, one of the prominent members of a generation of mycologists who still had a...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Een Orobanche als graanadventief Naturalis
Land, J. van der.
An Orobanche growing on Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter was collected near a grain warehouse at Rotterdam harbour in 1935. The specimen was originally identified as O. minor Sm., but upon closer examination it appeared to be O. cernua Loefl. This is the first time that a species of this genus was found as an alien in the Netherlands.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Een vorm van Stellaria media met gevlekte bladen Naturalis
Soest, J.L. van.
De violette vlekjes, vaak langwerpig van vorm, schijnen mij toe niet van pathologische aard te zijn. Kleur en wijze van gevlektheid doen veel denken aan wat bij verschillende soorten van de Compositae (Liguliflorae) voorkomt, b.v. bij een aantal vertegenwoordigers van de geslachten Hieracium en Taraxacum en voorts bij Hypochaeris maculata. In 1963, toen het terrein, waar ik het jaar daarvoor de vorm aantrof, braak lag, heb ik geen gelegenheid gehad ernaar uit te kijken. In 1964 zal ik echter trachten de planten terug te vinden en eventueel door uitzaaien in cultuur te nemen.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Efeito da luz artificial no crescimento de orquídeas Bragantia
Magalhães,Antônio Celso; Zink,Eduardo.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1964 URL:
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Efeito da redução da superfície foliar sôbre o desenvolvimento de cafeeiros Bragantia
Magalhães,Antônio Celso.
A perda de área foliar de cafeeiros pode ocorrer motivada por diversos fatôres bio-ecológicos, tais como ataque de pragas e moléstias, falta de água no solo, deficiência ou excesso de nutrientes, temperaturas extremas do ar, ventos, danos provocados por implementos agrícolas etc. Considerando que as fôlhas desempenham o mais importante papel na fisiologia das plantas, como sede do fenômeno da fotossíntese, torna-se de interêsse conhecer os efeitos da redução da superfície foliar sôbre o desenvolvimento de cafeeiros novos. Plantas da variedade Mundo Nôvo Amarelo, com um ano e meio de idade, aproximadamente, e que vegetavam em vasos, tiveram suas áreas foliares reduzidas em 25, 50 e 75% por meio de eliminação de parte do limbo das fôlhas nas proporções...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1964 URL:
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