Registros recuperados: 26.605 | |
Duennebier, Fk; Stephen, R; Gettrust, Jf; Avedik, Felix; Ballard, J Alan; Bibee, L Dale; Fehler, Michael; Inderbitzen, Anton; Jacobsen, Randall; Pascal, Georges. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1987 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00318/42927/42428.pdf |
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Programme général : Etudes scientifiques maritimes. Technique des Pêches maritimes. Armement à la pêche. Conservation des produits de la pêche. Industries maritimes. Emploi des moteurs marins à bord des bateaux de pêche. Economie sociale et législation. La pêche dans les colonies et pays de protectorat. Ostréiculture. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1927 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00015/12670/9591.pdf |
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Loubersac, Lionel. |
This text, published in the magazine “Challenge. Le magazine du Pacifique” deals with the quite unique Caledonian case as far as its maritime character is concerned and is part of a related research programme of the French Institute for the Sea (IFM) on the issue: “11.000.000 square kilometres, what for?” To better address this question, an analysis grid sets the stage with regard to six main issues: legal status; parties involved; characteristics of natural habitats; safety and hazards; patterns of development and operational procedures; protection policies and tools. We deal below with the basic elements relative to the sixth of these points: policies and tools of the environmental protection in New Caledonia. Il reminds the history gradually established... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00444/55567/57179.pdf |
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Maffezzoli, Niccolò; Vallelonga, Paul; Edwards, Ross; Saiz-lopez, Alfonso; Turetta, Clara; Kjær, Helle Astrid; Barbante, Carlo; Vinther, Bo; Spolaor, Andrea. |
Although it has been demonstrated that the speed and magnitude of recent Arctic sea ice decline is unprecedented for the past 1,450 years, few records are available to provide a paleoclimate context for Arctic sea ice extent. Here we present a 120 kyr record of bromine enrichment from the RECAP ice core, coastal East Greenland, and reconstruct past sea ice conditions in the North Atlantic as far north as the entrance of the Arctic Ocean (50–85° N). Bromine enrichment has been previously employed to reconstruct first-year sea ice (FYSI) in the Canadian Arctic over the last glacial cycle. We find that during the last deglaciation, the transition from multi-year sea ice (MYSI) to FYSI started at ∼ 17.6 kyr, synchronous with sea ice reductions observed in the... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00504/61580/65511.pdf |
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Jorry, Stephan; Jouet, Gwenael; Le Roy, Pascal; Prat, Sophie; Camoin, Gilbert; Vella, Claude; Caline, Bruno. |
Suite à l’initiation du programme REEFCORES (REEFs and CORals form the EparseS), deux missions menées en 2011 et en 2013 dans l’Archipel des Glorieuses (Nord Madagascar) ont permis de documenter les empreintes des épisodes de déglaciation dans la morphologie des terrasses récifales émergées et submergées. L’objectif principal de cette étude est d’abord de documenter les stagnations du niveau marin qui ont été engendrées au cours de la dernière remontée du niveau marin et sur les terrasses du dernier interglaciaire (MIS 5e). Cette zone située autour des Seychelles, du fait de sa stabilité (isostasie très faible), est idéalement placée pour reconstituer avec précision les variations globales du niveau marin (Milne and Mitrovica, 2008). Des données de... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00202/31279/29686.pdf |
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Greenslade, Diana; Hemer, Mark; Babanin, Alex; Lowe, Ryan; Turner, Ian; Power, Hannah; Young, Ian; Ierodiaconou, Daniel; Hibbert, Greg; Williams, Greg; Aijaz, Saima; Albuquerque, Joao; Allen, Stewart; Banner, Michael; Branson, Paul; Buchan, Steve; Burton, Andrew; Bye, John; Cartwright, Nick; Chabchoub, Amin; Colberg, Frank; Contardo, Stephanie; Dufois, Francois; Earl-spurr, Craig; Farr, David; Goodwin, Ian; Gunson, Jim; Hansen, Jeff; Hanslow, David; Harley, Mitchell; Hetzel, Yasha; Hoeke, Ron; Jones, Nicole; Kinsela, Michael; Liu, Qingxiang; Makarynskyy, Oleg; Marcollo, Hayden; Mazaheri, Said; Mcconochie, Jason; Millar, Grant; Moltmann, Tim; Moodie, Neal; Morim, Joao; Morison, Russel; Orszaghova, Jana; Pattiaratchi, Charitha; Pomeroy, Andrew; Proctor, Roger; Provis, David; Reef, Ruth; Rijnsdorp, Dirk; Rutherford, Martin; Schulz, Eric; Shayer, Jake; Splinter, Kristen; Steinberg, Craig; Strauss, Darrell; Stuart, Greg; Symonds, Graham; Tarbath, Karina; Taylor, Daniel; Taylor, James; Thotagamuwage, Darshani; Toffoli, Alessandro; Valizadeh, Alireza; Van Hazel, Jonathan; Vieira Da Silva, Guilherme; Wandres, Moritz; Whittaker, Colin; Williams, David; Winter, Gundula; Xu, Jiangtao; Zhong, Aihong; Zieger, Stefan. |
The Australian marine research, industry, and stakeholder community has recently undertaken an extensive collaborative process to identify the highest national priorities for wind-waves research. This was undertaken under the auspices of the Forum for Operational Oceanography Surface Waves Working Group. The main steps in the process were first, soliciting possible research questions from the community via an online survey; second, reviewing the questions at a face-to-face workshop; and third, online ranking of the research questions by individuals. This process resulted in 15 identified priorities, covering research activities and the development of infrastructure. The top five priorities are 1) enhanced and updated nearshore and coastal bathymetry; 2)... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00632/74369/74059.pdf |
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C'est dans le cadre d'Alger la. Blanche que s'est ouvert le lundi 21 juin 1934, le XVe Congrès National des Pêches et Industries Maritimes. L'homme assiste au premier changement de climat terrestre qu'il soit à même de mesurer et d'expliquer en partie. Cet événement a donné lieu à des études si nombreuses que nous ne pouvons que les résumer ici sans citer aucun auteur et nous nous en excusons. (...) |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1955 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00015/12671/9592.pdf |
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Le Pichon, Xavier. |
Plate tectonics gave a great stimulus to marine geology and geophysics; in the years since its enunciation there have been major drilling programmes, a new science of global palaeoenvironmental oceunography and much more detailed oceanographic surveYs. The pace shows no sign of slackening-in the next few years the passive continental margins will be muchstudied. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. |
Ano: 1977 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1977/publication-5206.pdf |
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Sanna, Serena; Andral, Bruno. |
Le projet SEA-ERA MERMAID « Marine Environmental targets linked to Regional Management schemes based on Indicators Developed for the Mediterranean » a été lancé le 12 juin 2013 à Athènes. Son objectif est de fournir des éléments scientifiques pour la définition du bon état écologique au sens DCSMM, en complément des projets existants (PERSEUS) pour 5 descripteurs: Populations exploitées (D3), Conditions hydrographiques (D7), Contaminants dans l’environnement et les ressources exploitées (D8, D9), Déchets (D10). L’intérêt de Mermaid réside dans le fait qu’il se focalise sur des échelles réduites à savoir trois sites pilotes : golfe du Lion, golfe de Saronikos (Ouest d’Athènes), bassin Silicien (entre côtes turques et Chypre). A ces échelles MERMAID tentera... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: DCSMM; Bon Etat Ecologique; Contaminants chimiques; Ressources halieutiques; Déchets. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00233/34389/32810.pdf |
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Bouchoucha, Marc; Tomasino, Corinne; Amouroux, Isabelle; Andral, Bruno; Brach-papa, Christophe; Briand, Marine; Buchet, Remi; Delmas, Lucile; Galgani, François; Gonzalez, Jean-louis; Grouhel-pellouin, Anne; Mauffret, Aourell; Mille, Tiphaine; Munaron, Dominique; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Wessel, Nathalie; Boissery, Pierre. |
Ce rapport fait le bilan de la surveillance de la contamination chimique opérée par l’Ifremer, en partenariat avec l’agence de l’eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse, entre 1998 et 2018. Il présente sur la forme de graphiques et de cartes les principaux résultats obtenus durant cette période ainsi que l’évolution des méthodes et des stratégies de surveillance des eaux côtières de Méditerranée. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00673/78554/80744.pdf |
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Strady, Emilie; Harmelin-vivien, Mireille; Chiffoleau, Jean-francois; Veron, Alain; Tronczynski, Jacek; Radakovitch, Olivier. |
The transfer of 210Po and 210Pb in the food web of small pelagic fishes (from phytoplankton and zooplankton to anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardina pilchardus) is investigated in the Gulf of Lion (GoL). We present original data of 210Po and 210Pb activity concentrations, C and N stable isotope ratios, measured (i) from different size classes of phytoplankton and zooplankton during spring and winter in different environments of the GoL, and (ii) in two fish species. Significant spatial patterns based on 210Po, 210Pb activity concentrations and 210Po/210Pb ratios in the different plankton size classes are evidenced by hierarchical clustering, both in spring and winter. This variability, also observed for C and N stable isotopes ratios, is... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Po-210; Pb-210; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Pelagic fishes; Mediterranean Sea. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00255/36609/35264.pdf |
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Sibuet, Jean-claude; Rangin, C; Le Pichon, X; Singh, S; Cattaneo, Antonio; Graindorge, D; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Lin, Jing-yi; Malod, Jacques-andre; Maury, Tanguy; Schneider, J; Sultan, Nabil; Umber, Marie; Yamaguchi, H. |
Trench-parallel thrust faults verging both landward and seaward were mapped in the portion of wedge located between northern Sumatra and the Indian-Indonesian boundary. The spatial aftershocks distribution of the 26th December 2004 earthquake shows that the post-seismic motion is partitioned along two thrust faults, the Lower and Median Thrust Faults, the latter being right-laterally offset by a N-S lower plate fracture zone located along the 93.6 degrees N meridian. Between February 2005 and August 2005, the upper plate aftershock activity shifted from southeast of this fracture zone to northwest of it, suggesting that the lower plate left-lateral motion along the fracture zone may have induced a shift of the upper plate post-seismic activity along the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Active thrust faults; Co seismic rupture; Aftershocks; 2004 Sumatra Andaman earthquake. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2007/publication-3508.pdf |
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Rouzo, Stephane; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Jonquet Kolsto, Hélène; Karpuz, Ridvan; Kravik, Karl; Mjelde, Rolf; Murai, Yoshio; Raum, Thomas; Shimamura, Hideki; Williamson, Paul; Geli, Louis. |
This study presents the modelling of 2-D and 3-D wide-angle seismic data acquired on the complex, volcanic passive margin of the Voring Plateau, off Norway. Three wide-angle seismic profiles were shot and recorded simultaneously by 21 Ocean Bottom Seismometers, yielding a comprehensive 3-D data set, in addition to the three in-line profiles. Coincident multi-channel seismic profiles are used to better constrain the modelling, but the Mesozoic and deeper structures are poorly imaged due to the presence of flood basalts and sills. Velocity modelling reveals an unexpectedly large 30 km basement high hidden below the flood basalt. When interpreted as a 2-D structure, this basement high produces a modelled gravity anomaly in disagreement with the observed... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Gravity modelling; 3 D modelling; Sub screen imaging; Wide angle seismic. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2006/publication-2095.pdf |
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Mouche, Alexis; He, W.; Husson, R.; Guitton, Gilles; Chapron, Bertrand; Li, Huimin. |
Sentinel-1 A now routinely acquires data over the ocean since 2014. Data are processed by ESA through the Payload Data Ground Segment up to Level-2 for Copernicus users. Level-2 products consist of geo-located geophysical parameters related to wind, waves and ocean current. In particular, Sentinel-1A wave measurements provide 2D ocean swell spectra (2D wave energy distribution as a function of wavelength and direction) as well as integrated parameters such as significant wave height, dominant wavelength and direction for each partition. In 2016, Sentinel-1 B will be launched by ESA and GF-3 by CNSA. Then in 2018, CFOSAT (China France Oceanography Satellite project), a joint mission from the Chinese and French Space Agencies, will be launched. They will... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ocean remote sensing; Synthetics aperture radar; Ocean wave-spectrometer; 2D ocean wave spectrum; Level-4. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00364/47469/47488.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 26.605 | |