Registros recuperados: 29 | |
Minier, Christophe; Abarnou, Alain; Jaouen Madoulet, Agnes; Le Guellec, Anne-marie; Tutundjian, Renaud; Bocquene, Gilles; Leboulenger, François. |
Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is an invasive species that has proliferated in European and North American rivers and lakes during the last century. In this study, D. polymorpha has been used to provide information on contamination levels and biological effects in the Seine Estuary (France). The bivalves accumulated polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to a high degree with values reaching 800 ng/g dry weight for PCBs (sum of 20 congeners), and 1,000 ng/g dry weight of PAHs (sum of 14 compounds) in the whole body. These values are among the highest reported of PCBs and, to a lesser extent, of PAHs in other contaminated areas in the world. Toxic equivalent quantities of PCBs and PAHs detected in zebra mussels... |
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Palavras-chave: Biomarkers; Multixenobiotic resistance; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Polychlorinated biphenyls; Dreissena polymorpha. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2006/publication-2130.pdf |
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Abarnou, Alain. |
Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre des Etudes générales destinées à préciser les effets des échauffements et de la chloration sur la vie marine. Parallèlement aux études des effets biologiques immédiats de la chloration sur la vie marine on s'est intéressé aux "Aspects chimiques de la chloration de l'eau de mer". |
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Ano: 1981 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00045/15649/13052.pdf |
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Bertrand, Jacques; Bodiguel, Xavier; Abarnou, Alain; Reynal, Lionel; Bocquene, Gilles. |
Chlordecone is a very persistent insecticide used in banana plantations of the French West Indies between 1972 and 1993. Chlordecone residues were found in inland water, in agricultural and freshwater products, and in marine organisms. This pollution has become of great concern in 2007. Therefore, a governmental action Plan was launched to better assess the pollution and to improve the consumer’s protection. Within this plan, 1048 samples from 69 different species of marine fishes and crustaceans were collected all around both the Guadeloupe and the Martinique Islands and analyzed. The results confirm the presence of chlordecone in marine organisms, with highly variable concentrations (from the detection limit to 1000 μg.kg-1). In 17.9 % of the samples,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Chlordecone (Kepone); French West Indies; Fishes; Crustaceans; Organochlorinated contaminant; Risk assessment; Pollution management. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00014/12511/9361.pdf |
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Cossa, Daniel; Abarnou, Alain; Andral, Bruno; Bougrier, Serge; Buestel, Dominique; Claisse, Didier; Hatt, Philippe-jacques; Stanisiere, Jean-yves. |
Ce rapport fait suite à la création par les directions DEL et DRV de l'IFREMER d'un groupe de travail, dit RlNBIO, chargé d'étudier les implications de l'usage des transplants de populations de moules pour évaluer la contamination chimiques des zones côtières méditerranéennes. L'objectif du Réseau Intégrateurs Biologiques (RlNBIO) est en effet d'obtenir une évaluation des niveaux de la contamination chimique à l'échelle du bassin méditerranéen français. La méthodologie s'appuie sur la mesure des concentrations en contaminants métalliques et organiques bioaccumulés dans les tissus de moules transplantées (Mytilus galloprovincialis) pendant plusieurs dans les zones à étudier. Or, la phase exploratoire a mis en évidence une interdépendance entre les niveaux... |
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Ano: 1998 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00086/19715/17356.pdf |
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Abarnou, Alain; Robineau, Daniel; Michel, Pierre. |
Top predators like marine mammals have been intensively used for monitoring the contamination of the marine environment, particularly in industrialized coastal areas of the Northern Atlantic Ocean. Such data concerning contamination in the Southern hemisphere are very scarce. Samples were taken in the fatty protuberance of the forehead (melon) from eleven Commerson's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii, Lacépède, 1804) caught in the coastal waters of the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Indian Ocean). They were analyzed for DDT, PCB and HCB, using capillary gaz chromatography. The levels of contamination [DDT= 1 150 ± 650, PCB = 1 150 ± 770, HCB=500±300ng/g of extracted matter (lipids)] are between ten and a hundred times Jess than those found in similar... |
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Palavras-chave: Organochlorés; Mammifères marins; Océan austral; Iles Kerguelen; Organochlorines; Marine mammals; Southern Ocean; Kerguelen Islands. |
Ano: 1986 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00111/22273/19948.pdf |
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Babut, M.; Miege, C.; Villeneuve, B.; Abarnou, Alain; Duchemin, J.; Marchand, P.; Narbonne, J. F.. |
Among the numerous PCB congeners, most of the dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs) need to be characterized by hyphenated techniques. It has been shown in several instances that these congeners are well related to the total PCB content in fish. We examined datasets collected mainly in France, on freshwater and marine fish and sediments. A statistical model linking DL- and indicator PCBs was developed for a dataset composed of freshwater fishes, and proved to predict well DL-PCBs from indicator PCBs in all other fish sets, including marine ones. Type II error rates remained low in almost all fish sets. A similar correlation was observed in sediments. Non-dioxin-like PCBs elicit various adverse effects and represent 95% of the total PCBs. A European guideline for them... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Sediment; Fish; Correlations; Indicator PCB; Dioxin like PCB. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-6979.pdf |
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Abarnou, Alain; Duchemin, Jean. |
This study on the "distribution and future of persistent contaminants in coastal ecosystems, comparison between the western Channel and the eastern Channel" was carried out by the Ifremer for the Water Agency of Seine-Normandie. It provides information on the level of relatively well-known and regulated contaminants (cadmium, mercury, lead, BPC, dioxins, PAH) in sea products, as well as on that of less systematically recorded substances (silver, copper, nickel, zinc, polybrominated biphenyls, ethers, alkylphenols, phtalats). The Lower-Norman coast, from the Seine estuary and the Mont Saint-Michel, is particularly interesting for this study since this limited geographic area is home to the most extreme levels of contamination recorded along the entire... |
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Palavras-chave: Exposition; Sécurité alimentaire évaluation des risques chimiques biotransformation bioaccumulation transport trophique Basse Normandie environnement littoral poissons moules métaux HAP phtalates PBDE dioxines PCB Polluants organiques persistants (POP). |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2008/rapport-6148.pdf |
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Alzieu, Claude; Abarnou, Alain; Bassoullet, Philippe; Boutier, Bernard; Chiffoleau, Jean-francois; Crenn, Isabelle; Derrien, Annick; Erard-le Denn, Evelyne; Gourmelon, Michele; Guiliaud, Jean-françois; Silva Jacinto, Ricardo; Le Cann, Pierre; Le Guyader, Françoise; Le Hir, Pierre; L'Yavanc, Jacky; Mauvais, Jean-louis; Menard, Dominique; Michel, Pierre; Monbet, Yves; Pommepuy, Monique; Quiniou, Francoise. |
Port activities require continuous or occasional dredging of considerable quantities of sediments : approximately 50 million m3 along the French coastline. A large proportion of the dredgings is authorized for dumping at sea in geographically delimited areas and following an impact evaluation of their potential harmfulness to the marine environment. The environmental risks assessment linked to dredging operations relies on knowledge related to several scientific disciplines contributing to changes in the regulations. This work, intended both for managers and for environmental scientists and engineers, is designed to take stock of the current state-of-the-art in the field of sediment contamination and related ecotoxicological hazards, along with a review of... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Regulations; Management; Impact; Contaminants; Dredging; Réglementation; Gestion; Impact; Contaminants; Dragages. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1999/rapport-1040.pdf |
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Michel, Pierre; Abarnou, Alain. |
La campagne "Gino II" réalisée par l'I.S.T.P.M. en avril 1981 à bord du N/O "Pelagia", et les études en laboratoire qui ont suivi, permettent de faire le point de la contamination et de noter l'évolution. - Dans les sédiments, à la périphérie d'une nappe de Carbon Black oil dont la surface est restreinte, on peut noter une contamination parfaitement discernable dans un cercle de 8 milles de rayon. Le niveau de contamination y est toutefois peu élevé. A l'extérieur de ce cercle, aucune contamination n'a été décelée. - Les crustacés pêchés dans les parages immédiats de l'épave contiennent de faibles traces d'hydrocarbures au niveau des branchies et de l'hépatopancréas. Bien que les taux d'hydrocarbures dans les oeufs soient négligeables et que l'examen... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1981 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00046/15678/13081.pdf |
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Abarnou, Alain; Bocquene, Gilles; Champin, Maryline; Durand, Gaetane; Gonzalez, Jean-louis; Le Moigne, Morgan; Masson, Jean-claude; Priou, Pierre; Tixier, Celine. |
This study contributes to inventory programme on emerging pollutants in French waters and to the general reflection which will enable to update the list of relevant substnaces to be included in the new monitoring programmes to come. This work concerns the coastal part of the inventory programme on marine waters and sediments of France and five overseas french departments (OFD). In this goal, passive sampling techniques and direct extraction techniques have been tested through the implementation of in situ systems integrators POCIS (Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler) and the extraction by SBSE bars (Stir bar sorptive extraction) directly in the waters sampled. Finally, analyzes of sediment completed the acquisition of data. Arount 40 stations were... |
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Palavras-chave: Eaux littorales; Eaux côtières; Sédiment; Métropole; DOM; Pollution; Substances chimiques; POCIS; SBSE; Coastal waters; Sediment; France; Overseas french departments; Pollution; Chemicals contaminants; POCIS; SBSE. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00259/36994/35483.pdf |
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Maggi, Pierre; Lassus, Patrick; Abarnou, Alain. |
Les travaux présentés font partie d'une étude générale sur les effets probables de l'implantation des centrales nucléaires sur les organismes phytoplanctoniques marins. De grandes quantités d'eau de mer transitent par les condenseurs de ces centrales ou elles s'échauffent brutalement ; elles sont ensuite rejetées dans le milieu marin et y dissipent leurs calories. Afin de limiter la fixation des salissures biologiques, une injection de chlore est effectuée à l'entrée des condenseurs ; cette pollution chimique vient alors s'ajouter à la pollution thermique. Nous avons recherché, sur le développement de Gyrosigma spencerii, les effets : de chocs thermiques, d'injections de chlore, de l'association de ces deux traitements. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1980 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1980/publication-7171.pdf |
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Maggi, Pierre; Lassus, Patrick; Abarnou, Alain. |
Les travaux, présentés dans ce rapport, ont trait à une partie d'une étude générale menée dans les laboratoires de l'I.S.T.P.M. à Nantes, afin de tenter de prévoir les effets engendrés par l'implantation de centrales nucléaires sur le littoral de l'Atlantique et de la Manche. Dans un premier temps, il s'agissait de déterminer l'influence de chocs thermiques sur le phytoplancton transitant dans les condenseurs d'une centrale ; dans ce but un appareillage a été mis au point dans nos laboratoires et un protocole l'expérimental adopté. Six espèces de diatomées et de flagellés ont été retenues comme organismes d'expériences ; nous donnons ici les résultats obtenus avec la diatomée Phaeodactylum tricornutum. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1975 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00046/15756/13158.pdf |
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Abarnou, Alain; Guillaud, Jean-francois; Miossec, Laurence; Batt, Agnes. |
Chlorination of wastewater prior to effluent discharge into the sea is used as disinfecting treatment to preserve salubrity of the coastal marine environment wich is necessary for such activities as shellfish-farming and nautical sports. The disinfecting capacity of chlorine results from its oxydizing property which gives rise to various chemical reactions with constituents present in wastes. ln wastewaters, highly loaded with organic matter and ammonia, monochloramine is the main active chlorine species. Due to organic matter oxydation, thèse active chlorine species rapidly disappear by transformation into non toxic chloride. However, a very sm ail part of the initial chlorine dose can be found as stable and toxic chloroorganics. Monochloramine is also... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1990 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00173/28438/26772.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 29 | |