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In Situ Detection of Macronutrients and Chloride in Seawater by Submersible Electrochemical Sensors ArchiMer
Cuartero, Maria; Crespo, Gaston; Cherubini, Thomas; Pankratova, Nadezda; Confalonieri, Fabio; Massa, Francesco; Tercier-waeber, Mary-lou; Abdou, Melina; Schafer, Jorg; Bakker, Eric.
A new submersible probe for the in situ detection of nitrate, nitrite and chloride in seawater is presented. Inline coupling of a desalination unit, an acidification unit and a sensing flow cell containing all-solid-state membrane electrodes allows for the potentiometric detection of nitrate and nitrite after removal of the key interfering ions in seawater, chloride and hydroxide. Thus, the electrodes exhibited attractive analytical performances for the potentiometric detection of nitrate and nitrite in desalinated and acidified seawater: fast response time (t95<12 s), excellent stability (long-term drifts of < 0.5 mV h-1), good reproducibility (calibration parameter deviation of < 3 %) and satisfactory accuracy (uncertainties < 8 %Diff...
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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Platinum in sediments and mussels from the northwestern Mediterranean coast: temporal and spatial aspects ArchiMer
Abdou, Melina; Schafer, Jorg; Hu, Ruoyu; Gil-diaz, Teba; Garnier, Cedric; Brach-papa, Christophe; Chiffoleau, Jean-francois; Charmasson, Sabine; Giner, Franck; Dutruch, Lionel; Blanc, Gerard.
Platinum (Pt) is considered a Technology Critical Element (TCE) and an emerging metallic contaminant with increasing release into the environment. Gaps in knowledge and understanding of environmental levels, fate and effects of Pt still exist, especially in the marine environment. This work presents Pt concentrations in the northwestern Mediterranean coast including: (i) temporal variability from sediment cores and farmed mussels in the Toulon Bay (historically affected by intense human activities) and (ii) spatial distribution from recent wild mussels collected along ∼ 300 km coastline with contrasting ecosystems (including natural reserves), quantified using voltammetry and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The historical (> 100 years)...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Platinum; Sediments; Mussels; Biomonitoring; Mediterranean coast.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Tellurium behaviour in a major European fluvial–estuarine system (Gironde, France): fluxes, solid/liquid partitioning and bioaccumulation in wild oysters ArchiMer
Gil-díaz, Teba; Schäfer, Jörg; Dutruch, Lionel; Bossy, Cécile; Pougnet, Frédérique; Abdou, Melina; Lerat-hardy, Antoine; Pereto, Clément; Derriennic, Hervé; Briant, Nicolas; Sireau, Teddy; Knoery, Joel; Blanc, Gerard.
Tellurium (Te) is a technology critical element (TCE) with largely unknown environmental behaviour, especially in continent-ocean interface systems. The unknown behaviour results from the lack of studies in aquatic environments and from analytical challenges limiting the determination of its naturally low (ultra-trace) environmental levels. We performed a comprehensive study of Te in the Lot–Garonne–Gironde fluvial–estuarine system to better understand seasonal variations, solid/liquid partitioning (Kd), gross fluxes, estuarine dynamics, and transfer to wild oysters at the estuary mouth. A temporal record (2014–2017) of dissolved (Ted) and particulate (Tep) Te concentrations at five sites in the Lot–Garonne River system shows little differences between...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Garonne River; Gironde Estuary; Lot River; RNO; ROCCH; Technology critical element.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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