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A meta-analysis of the response of calorie demand to income changes 31
Ogundari, Kolawole; Abdulai, Awudu.
Over the past three decades, several studies have analyzed the response of calorie intake to income with varying and inconclusive results. This paper review these studies and employs meta-analysis to examine the potential bias in the calorie-income elasticity, as well as the impact of specific study attributes on these elasticities reported in the empirical literature. A total of 40 studies which yielded 99 estimated elasticities were considered. The results show the presence of publication (reporting) selection bias in the reported elasticities. Besides, the estimates revealed evidence of positive and significant empirical effect of income on calorie intake from all the studies that goes beyond publication bias. Study attributes such as ranking of the...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Calorie-income elasticity; Heterogeneity; Meta-analysis; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; D12; C01.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Achieving Regional Growth Dynamics in African Agriculture 31
Abdulai, Awudu; Diao, Xinshen; Johnson, Michael.
This study focuses on public investments and policy reforms for leveraging growth spillovers at the African regional level. A conceptual framework that is built on the endogenous growth theory and the new economic geography is presented first to gain a better understanding of the underlying theory and empirical evidence on regional integration and growth spillovers. In order to demonstrate the potential benefits from greater cross-border technology spillovers in Africa, as well as from trade liberalization and investment in infrastructure, results from ex-ante simulations using partial and general equilibrium models are then presented and discussed. Results indicate that sizeable regional spillover benefits can be obtained by permitting greater crossborder...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Computable General Equilibrium Models C68; Agricultural growth; Agricultural sector; International Development.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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An Empirical Investigation of Short and Long-run Agricultural Wage Formation in Ghana 31
Abdulai, Awudu; Delgado, Christopher L..
This paper investigates empirically the factors that influence real agricultural wage rates in Ghana, based on 1957 to 1991 data. The Johansen cointegration framework is used to examine long-run relationships among agricultural and urban wage rates, the domestic terms of trade between agriculture and nonagriculture, urban unemployment, capital stock in agriculture and the size of the rural population. An error correction model is then used to investigate short-run dynamic relationships among the variables. The results show that: (1) there is only one stable equilibrium relationship among agricultural wage rates and their determinants in the long-run; (2) a 1 percent change in the domestic terms of trade between agriculture and non-agriculture leads to a...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Income; Ghana; Agriculture; Economic Aspects; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Abdulai, Awudu; Huffman, Wallace E..
This paper employs a stochastic frontier model to examine profit inefficiency of rice farmers in the Northern Region of Ghana using farm-level survey data. The efficiency index, based on a half-normal distribution of the stochastic error term is related to farm and household characteristics. The empirical results show that farmers' human capital represented by the level of schooling contributes positively to production efficiency, suggesting that investment in farmers' education improves their allocative performance. Access to credit and greater specialization in rice production, are found to be positively related to production efficiency. A farmer's participation in nonfarm employment and being older, however, reduce production efficiency. Farmers...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Africa; Ghana; Production efficiency; Profit frontier; Rice; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Assessment of Farmer Preferences for Cattle Traits in Cattle Production Systems of Kenya 31
Ouma, Emily Awuor; Abdulai, Awudu; Drucker, Adam G..
The urgent need to improve livestock productivity in sub-Saharan Africa in order to keep pace with expected increases in demand for meat and milk is very topical. Breed improvement provides key entry points for increasing productivity in cattle populations. However, there are tendencies for breed improvement programs to focus on single, market driven traits such as milk or meat production in isolation of environmental constraints and broader livestock system functions which cattle assume in developing countries. This potentially leads to genotypes that are not well adapted to the environment and not capable of performing the multiple roles that cattle assume in cattle production systems of developing countries. In developing countries, many important...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cattle production system; Trait preferences; Choice experiment; Kenya; Livestock Production/Industries; D11; C35; Q26.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Contribution of Economics to Design of Sustainable Cattle Breeding Programs in Eastern Africa: A Choice Experiment Approach 31
Ouma, Emily Awuor; Abdulai, Awudu.
Although livestock forms a very important component of the livelihoods of rural populations of developing countries, productivity remains very low. Livestock keepers are beset by various constraints. In sub-Saharan Africa, cattle are exposed to a number of tropical diseases and other environmental stresses. Breed improvement programs provides key entry points for increasing productivity in cattle populations, especially those plagued by animal diseases. However, breed improvement programs have tended to focus on single, market-driven production traits in isolation of broader livestock system functions. This potentially leads to genotypes that are not well adapted to the environment and not suitable for performing the multiple roles of cattle in developing...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Choice experiment; Cattle production system; Trait preferences; Trypanotolerance; Livestock Production/Industries; D12; D60; C35.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Contributions of Social Capital Theory in Predicting Collective Action Behavior among Livestock Keeping Communities in Kenya 31
Ouma, Emily Awuor; Abdulai, Awudu.
Social capital and collective action initiatives provide important avenues for access and uptake of improved livestock technologies through communal breeding programs among resource poor communities in developing countries. This study examines the factors that influence collective action behavior in crop-livestock and pastoralist production systems in Kenya by employing a binary logit model. The results show that age, gender of household members and education level of the household head exert significant influence on the decision to take up collective action. In addition, wealthy households are less likely to participate in collective action initiatives compared to the resource constrained. These results suggest that policies that encourage group formation...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Collective action; Communal breed improvement programs; Binary logit; Consumer/Household Economics; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Determinants and Welfare Impacts of Export Crop Cultivation - Empirical Evidence from Ghana 31
Kuhlgatz, Christian; Abdulai, Awudu.
This paper investigates the determinants of farm households‟ participation in export cropping and the impact of export cropping on household welfare, using cross-sectional data obtained from the Ghanaian living standards survey 2005-6. Given the problem of selectivity bias that arise when households self-select into export cropping, we employ the full information maximum likelihood approach to analyze the participation decision, and generalized propensity matching approach to examine the welfare impacts of participation. The empirical results indicate that farmers facing lower transport costs and having better access to credit facilities are more likely to participate in export cropping. Estimates of the welfare impacts of export cropping generally reveal...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Export crops; Farm households; Household welfare; Poverty; Generalized propensity score; Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Does Income Really Matter? Nonparametric and Parametric Estimates of the Demand for Calories in Tanzania 31
Abdulai, Awudu; Aubert, Dominique.
This study employs both nonparametric and parametric methods to examine the influence of household expenditure and other demographic variables on household consumption of calories in Tanzania, using recent survey data. Under each estimation strategy we employ, we find significant and positive relationship between household expenditure and calorie consumption. Even with an estimation strategy that ensures consistent estimates in the presence of measurement error, the calorie-expenditure elasticity is 0.46, a finding that is consistent with the traditional view that, increases in household income will improve calorie intake and help alleviate inadequate nutrition.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Empirical Analysis of Price Setting and Quantity Surcharges in the German Food Sector 31
Schmitz, Silke; Abdulai, Awudu.
This study examined the incidence and determinants of quantity price discounts and quantity price surcharges in the German food sector through a bivariate probit, using recent consumer scanner survey data. Selectivity bias was corrected for in estimating the degree of quantity price surcharge and quantity price discount, using Heckman’'s procedure. The findings reveal that almost 10% of the investigated products attract higher unit prices for larger package sizes, although the extent of price surcharges varied among product categories. The number of package sizes, the average package size, packaging form, storage form, as well as the price image of a product, were found to be significantly related to the probability and degree of quantity price surcharges...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Consumer/Household Economics.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Food Aid Allocation Policies: Donor Coordination and Responsiveness to the Needs of Recipient Countries 31
Kuhlgatz, Christian; Abdulai, Awudu; Barrett, Christopher B..
This study employs a multivariate Tobit model to investigate whether food aid flows of the main donor countries – USA, EU (Community Aid and Member States), Canada, Japan and Australia – respond to recipient countries’ needs and the extent to which the donors interact in their food aid allocation. The response of global food aid is also analyzed with a censored least absolute deviation (CLAD) model to highlight the overall performance of aggregate food aid. The empirical results generally indicate that both global and bilateral food aid are effective instruments in improving food security at the national level in recipient countries. In particular, global food aid is found to be significantly targeted to poorer countries, as well as countries facing...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food aid; Need-orientation; Donor coordination; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Security and Poverty; International Development; International Relations/Trade; F35; I38; O19; Q18.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Abdulai, Awudu; Barrett, Christopher B.; Hazell, Peter B.R..
Food aid remains significant for food availability in many low-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa, helping to reduce the gap between food consumption needs and supply from domestic production and inventories and commercial imports. Food aid remains a contentious subject, however, and there have been many recent pleas for more effective use of the resource. This study explores how food aid might be used for domestic food market development to facilitate poverty alleviation and economic growth. There are obvious risks to using food aid for market development, just as there have been in using food aid to try to stimulate agricultural development. Because food aid necessarily expands local food supply, it needs to be well targeted if adverse producer price...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Food Security and Poverty; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Leveraging regional growth dynamics in African agriculture 31
Abdulai, Awudu; Johnson, Michael; Diao, Xinshen.
This study focuses on public investments and policy reforms for leveraging growth spillovers at the Africa regional level. It reviews first the theory and evidence of knowledge and growth spillovers generally and second the evidence in the African context. Given the limited and scattered evidence of actual past spillovers, it reviews recent ex ante simulations using partial and general equilibrium models to stress the potential for spillovers from greater cooperation in agricultural research, and from trade liberalization, policy harmonization and investments in infrastructure. The results show that permitting greater crossborder transfers and adopting improved technologies could have large spillover multiplier effects on overall economic welfare in the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Sub-Saharan Africa; Regional cooperation; Spillovers; Agricultural development; International Development.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Nonfarm Employment and Poverty Reduction in Rural Ghana: A Propensity-Score Matching Analysis 31
Owusu, Victor; Abdulai, Awudu.
This article investigates the impact of nonfarm employment on farm household income and way out of poverty, using farm household data from Brong-Ahafo region of Ghana. A propensity score matching model is used to evaluate the impact participating in both wage and self-employment. Separate estimates are also provided for males and females. The results from the study show that nonfarm employment has a positive and robust effect on farm household income and a negative and significant effect on the likelihood of being poor. Self-employment was found to have much higher impacts than wage employment, reflecting the fact that most employment opportunities in the rural areas are in the former sector.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Non-farm employment; Poverty; Matching; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Security and Poverty; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Supply Response of Export Crops in Zambia: The Case of Coffee 31
Mofya-Mukuka, Rhoda; Abdulai, Awudu.
1) Export diversification has long been at the centre of Zambia’s economic diversification policies. This article focuses on the coffee sector as a potentially important source of export diversification and examines its supply response to changes in various incentives. 2) Zambian coffee exhibits asymmetric short-run supply adjustments to long-run equilibrium such that production rises significantly after prices rise while changing little after prices fall. 3) The fact that coffee in Zambia is mainly grown for export, the changes in real exchange have the most significant effect on supply in that a depreciation in the Zambian Kwacha leads to an increase in coffee supply.
Tipo: Technical Report Palavras-chave: Zambia; Coffee; Export; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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The Adoption of Water Conservation and Intensification Technologies and Farm Income: A Propensity Score Analysis for Rice Farmers in Northern Ghana 31
Faltermeier, Liane; Abdulai, Awudu.
This study uses cross-sectional data of 342 small-scale lowland rice farmers in Northern Region of Ghana to analyze the impact of the adoption decision of bund construction and seed dibbling on net returns, input demand and output supply. Matching was conducted based on Mahalanobis distance combined with propensity score. Balancing tests by checking the mean standardized absolute bias in the matched sample were conducted as well as sensitivity analysis to check for hidden bias due to unobservable selection. The empirical results of impact assessment using propensity score matching controlling for self-selection bias suggest that input demand is significantly higher for adopters of bunds, but not statistically different for adopters and non-adopters of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Propensity score matching; Evaluation; Sensitivity analysis; Rosenbaum bounds; Water conservation methods; Bunds; Rice production; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Water Saving Technology in Chinese Rice Production - Evidence from Survey Data 31
Abdulai, Awudu; Glauben, Thomas; Herzfeld, Thomas; Zhou, Shudong.
Whereas water is an important input in rice production, China faces severe problems with increasing demand for water and limited water resources. In conventional paddy production, one of the most important irrigated crops, a significant amount of irrigation water is lost due to percolation and evaporation. Therefore, it exist a vivid research in water saving rice technologies. This paper analyzes the adoption of one of these water-saving rice production technologies, the so-called Ground Cover Rice Production System (GCRPS), in the Hubei province. Based on farm survey data several factors which affect the adoption decision could be identified. The adoption decision is treated as a binary choice problem and therefore a probit model is used for the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: China; Technology adoption; Water; GCRPS; Probit; Crop Production/Industries; O30; Q16.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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