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A review of the Herbaceous species of Polygala in Malesia (Polygalaceae) Naturalis
Adema, F..
The subdivision of the genus as proposed by Chodat in his Monograph of the family, seventy five years ago, needs emendation. First, one of his sections, Semeiocardium (Zoll.) Hassk. must be completely reconstructed. It is typified by a singular genus Semeiocardium occurring in Madura and Kangean Is. (off NE. Java) which was described by Zollinger as a Balsaminacea, but included by Hasskarl in the Polygalaceae, in which he was followed by Chodat. Backer has indubitably shown that Zollinger’s opinion was correct and that it represents a remarkable, endemic genus of the Balsaminaceae (Gard. Bull. Str. Settl. 9, 1935, 70). For the other species included in this section a new section must be accepted which I have named Pseudosemeiocardium. Furthermore, through...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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A taxonomic revision of the genera Cycas and Epicycas gen. nov. (Cycadaceae) Naturalis
Laubenfels, D.J. de; Adema, F..
The genus Cycas L is divided into four subgenera, all new, and thirty species are described, of which two are new. A new Asian genus, Epicycas de Laub., is recognized for several Cycas species and one undescribed species with a subterranean bulbous stem base. Keys to the subgenera of Cycas and their species, and to the genus Epicycas are given.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cycas; Epicycas; Morphology; Taxonomy.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Aanwinsten voor de Nederlandse adventief-flora, 12 Naturalis
Adema, F..
A number of species and varieties are mentioned as new to the adventitious flora of the Netherlands, viz. Zingeria trichopoda (Boiss.) P. Smirn.; Poa trivialis L. var. silvicola (Guss.) Hack.; Galium floribundum Sibth. & Sm., G. murale All.; Lallemantia iberica (Bieb.) Fisch. & Mey.; Veronica cf. grisebachii Walters; Ricinus communis L. var. brasiliensis Müll. Arg., id. var. armatus (Andr.) Müll. Arg., id. var. rugosus Müll. Arg.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1974 URL:
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Aanwinsten voor de Nederlandse flora, hoofdzakelijk uit 1967-1974 Naturalis
Ooststroom, S.J. van; Mennema, J.; Adema, F..
In 1966 the decease of Th. J. Reichgelt caused a stagnation in the regular publication of acquisitions to the adventitious flora of the Netherlands. Only VAN OOSTSTROOM (1970a and b), ADEMA (1974), and VAN DER MEIJDEN (1975) incidentally continued this series. From 1975 onward the acquisitions to the adventitious flora of the Netherlands — and the new escapes from cultivation — are published in the annual lists with records of rare species. The present publication has the purpose of filling up the gap between 1967 and 1974 and includes: A. Native taxa — a few infraspecific taxa new for the Netherlands; B. Adventitious species; C. Species escaped from cultivation. In the lists B and C the original area of the species has been added.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1977 URL:
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Bibliografische aanvullingen Naturalis
Mennema, J.; Adema, F..
Onderstaande gegevens zijn aanvullingen op de Bibliografie van S.J. van Ooststroom, samengesteld door L. Vogelenzang, Gorteria 5 (7/10), 1971, p. 101-115.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Book notices Naturalis
Adema, F..
This new section announces the receipt of books by the library of Rijksherbarium/ Hortus Botanicus. We will give here only auteur/title information and a few lines about the contents. A full review may be published in Blumea on a later date.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Cnesmocarpon (gen. nov.), Jagera, and Trigonachras (Sapindaceae—Cupanieae): Phylogeny and systematics Naturalis
Adema, F.; Ham, R.W.J.M. van der.
Cladistic analyses of pollen-morphological, leaf-anatomical and macromorphological data of Jagera, Trigonachras, and several new species lead to the conclusion that a new genus, Cnesmocarpon, has to be described (see the Taxonomic Part on p. 195). Two pollen types are described, one including Cnesmocarpon, the other including Jagera and Trigonachras. The morphologies of these pollen types suggest different harmomegathic systems: nonapertural and apertural folding respectively. The ornamentation of Cnesmocarpon pollen resembles that of several other Cupanieae genera. The scabrate ornamentation of Jagera and Trigonachras pollen, often provided with hair-like appendages, is unique in that tribe. Leaf-anatomically Jagera is characterised by the presence of...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1993 URL:
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De Filago vulgaris-groep in Nederland Naturalis
Adema, F..
Filago lutescens Jord., a long neglected species in the flora of the Netherlands and now most likely extinct, was recognized among material of F. pyramidata L. Differences between F. lutescens and its close allies F. pyramidata and F. vulgaris Lamk. are tabulated and an account of their distribution in the Netherlands is given.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1976 URL:
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De geslachten Asperula, Galium, Rubia en Sherardia in Nederland. 1. Een synoptische sleutel Naturalis
Adema, F..
The author introduces the use of a ‘synoptical key’ for the species of Asperula, Galium, Rubia and Sherardia occurring in the Netherlands. This key was proposed by LEENHOUTS (1966). The author agrees with Leenhouts that the synoptical key has certain advantages over the more commonly used ‘analytical keys’. For a full discussion of the form and advantages of the different types of keys, see the studies by Leenhouts.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1971 URL:
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De geslachten Asperula, Galium, Rubia en Sherardia in Nederland 2. Enige systematische opmerkingen Naturalis
Adema, F..
The opinion of Ehrendorfer & Krendl (1976) concerning the delimitation of the genera Asperula, Cruciata and Galium is accepted by the author. For the Netherlands this means that Asperula odorata, A. glauca and A. humifusa are transferred to Galium. Galium cruciata is transferred to Cruciata. In Galium mollugo no morphological differences could be found between diploid and tetraploid specimens. The chromosome number alone is insufficient to distinguish two species or subspecies in this complex. For the Netherlands three (nomenclaturally unnamed) ecotypes are described. In Galium verum it is possible to recognise two taxa. Both are described as subspecies. One occurring in the dunes is called subsp. maritimum (DC.) Adema stat. Nov., the other occurring...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1981 URL:
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De madelief-fijnstraal, Phalacroloma annuum (L.) Dumort., in Nederland Naturalis
Adema, F..
The style of the bisexual flowers of the Compositae has always been an important character for the delimination of tribus and subfamilies (Hoffmann, 1897; Cronquist, 1952). Phalacroloma annuum (fig. 1, b) differs greatly in this character from its relatives in Aster and Erigeron (fig. 1, a). The style of P. annuum shows features that are more commonly met in Anthemideae (fig. 1, c) or Senecioneae (fig. 1, d). The author values this character so highly, that he uses it to keep Phalacroloma Cass. as a genus apart from Erigeron. It is shown that Phalacroloma is the valid name to be used for this genus. In a second part of the article the occurrence of P. annuum in the Netherlands is discussed. The author arrives at the conclusion that in the early 19th...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1984 URL:
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De Nederlandse slijkgrassen Naturalis
Adema, F.; Mennema, J..
The common Rice grass in the Netherlands proved to be Spartina anglica C. E. Hubbard instead of S. x townsendii H. & J. Groves as has been cited in Dutch literature. In less than 55 years after its introduction in 1924 S. anglica succeeded in almost completely crowding out the original S. maritima (Curt.) Fern. According to C. E. Hubbard, who kindly revised several of our specimens, only 4 collections belong to the hybrid S. x townsendii, 2 to a triple-hybrid? S. anglica x (S. x townsendii) and one to an unknown Spartina-hybrid.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Distribution maps of Pacific plants Naturalis
Balgooy, M.M.J. van; Lowry II, P.P.; Philipson, W.R.; Coode, M.J.E.; Nielsen, I.; Dransfield, J.; Meijden, R. van der; Schrader, T.; Adema, F.; Welzen, P.C. van.
Name: Alseuosmiaceae Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 18 (1965) 249. Family: Alseuosmiaceae.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Drie kleinbloemige Aster-soorten in Nederland Naturalis
Adema, F..
The author discusses the occurrence of three species of Aster: A. lanceolatus Willd., A. salignus Wildd. and A. tradescantii L. In the Netherlands it is possible, contrary to the views of P.F. Yeo in Flora Europaea4, to recognise A. tradescantii as a species separate from A. lanceolatus. The Netherlands material of A. tradescantii resembles American material of this species. An extensive description of the Netherlands material is in good accordance with descriptions in American flora's. Also, determination of this material with American flora's never gives serious problems. A. salignus does not occur in the Netherlands. In the material formerly identified on this species there are two types of specimens. The specimens with a rusty coloured pappus belong to...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Een bastaard van Anthemis tinctoria L. en Matricaria maritima L Naturalis
Adema, F..
In July 1982 a hybrid of Anthemis tinctoria L. and Matricaria marilima L. together with both parent species was found on a field, raised by suction-dredging, in Diemen near Amsterdam. The hybrid plant was intermediate in characters between the parent species.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Een „oude” voor Nederland nieuwe Salvia-bastaard Naturalis
Adema, F..
Among the Dutch material of Salvia nemorosa L. in the collections of the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, the author found several specimens of the hybrid S. X sylvestris L. (S. nemorosa L. X S. pratensis L.). L.). A short description of this hybrid and the differences between the parent species are given.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1968 URL:
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Enige opmerkingen over het geslacht Pulegium Naturalis
Adema, F..
The author treats Pulegium Mill, as a good genus. For the separation of Pulegium from Mentha, he uses, besides the well-known differences in calyx and corolla, a new character, namely that the anterior stamens are curved towards the upper lip and, together with the posterior ones, ascend under this lip, whereas in Mentha all stamens are straight and diverge from their base. On the ground of this character, already used by BRIQUET (1897, p. 208) as being of primary importance Pulegium is related more to genera as Satureja, Micromeria, Melissa, etc., than to Mentha s.s. The genus Pulegium contains 2 or 3 species, the wide-spread P. vulgare Mill., the Corsican P. parviflorum (Req.) G. Sampaio, and perhaps also the Algerian Mentha gattefossei Maire.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1970 URL:
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Enkele vondsten van de scherpe pinksterbloem in West-Nederland Naturalis
Wiegers, J.; Adema, F.; Mennema, J..
The author describes the habitat of Cardamine pralensis L. subsp. picra De Langhe et D’hose near Amstelveen in the Haf district and concludes that this subspecies is also found in places that differ strongly from those described in other publications. It might be useful to check whether this taxon can be sufficiently separated from the subsp. pratensis on the basis of chromosome counts.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Excursies in 1983 Naturalis
Adema, F.; Mennema, J..
A program of excursions on Saturdays is presented for those interested in botanical field work. The main aim of the excursions in 1983 will be to do field work in the hour-squares of which the data are rather incomplete. Especially on some species flowering in spring and disappearing before summer (fig. 1) and on the most common species (fig. 2) data are insufficient.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Het floristische seizoen 1980 Naturalis
Adema, F.; Mennema, J..
A survey is given of the second inventory of the Netherlands Flora. After the appearance of volume 1 of the Atlas of the Netherlands Flora this second inventory should be completed in 1980. Field botanists are requested to investigate new hour-squares and to pay attention to the occurrence of a number of rather rare plants in the Netherlands. The excursion program for 1980 is also announced.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1980 URL:
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