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Effects of Anthropometric Factors on Foot Size in Normal Preschool Children of Iran 77
Bayat,Parvin- Dokht; Ahmadi,Mohammad Mehdi; Moradi,Mojtaba; Ghanbari,Ali.
The growth pattern of children is affected by anthropometric dimensions. This study was aimed to investigate anthropometric factors related to growth of preschool children of a sample population in Iran. This study was performed in year 2011 on 1320 of 4­7 years old preschool children in Arak. To classify, body mass index (BMI), height and weight were recorded. The four contact points (head, back, buttocks, and heels) were maintained against the spine of the stadiometer during measurement. The head was positioned in the Frankfurt plane, and the sliding bar was lowered the crown of the head. Height was measured and recorded by the researchers. A pair of manual calibrated Seca scales was used to measure body mass in kilograms. The participants were least...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anthropometry; Body mass index; Iran; Obesity; Sex.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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