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An integrated simulation model to evaluate national policies for the abatement of agricultural nutrients in the Baltic Sea AgEcon
Hyytiainen, Kari; Ahtiainen, Heini; Heikkila, Jaakko; Helin, Janne; Huhtala, Anni; Iho, Antti; Koikkalainen, Kauko; Miettinen, Antti; Pouta, Eija; Vesterinen, Janne.
This study introduces a prototype model for evaluating policies to abate agricultural nutrients in the Baltic Sea from a Finnish national point of view. The stochastic simulation model integrates nutrient dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the sea basins adjoining the Finnish coast, nutrient loads from land and other sources, benefits from nutrient abatement (in the form of recreation and other ecosystem services) and the costs of agricultural abatement activities. The aim of this study is to present the overall structure of the model and to demonstrate its potential using preliminary parameters. The model is made flexible for further improvements in all of its ecological and economic components. Results of a sensitivity analysis suggest that...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Ecosystem services; Nutrient abatement; Monte Carlo simulation; Recreation; Valuation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Valuing international marine resources: A meta-analysis on the Baltic Sea AgEcon
Ahtiainen, Heini.
The study uses meta-analysis to provide insights into the value of international marine resources, illustrating the issue with the case of the Baltic Sea. Willingness to pay for water quality improvements varies systematically with factors such as a country’s income level, characteristics of the change in water quality, water body type, study year and methodology. The results of the meta analysis are applied to benefit transfer in order to assess the distribution of the benefits of marine protection measures between the Baltic Sea countries and to compare the results with previous research. The net benefits of protecting the Baltic are positive, but they are asymmetrically distributed between the littoral countries.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Meta-analysis; Water quality valuation; Marine areas; The Baltic Sea; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Q26; Q51.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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