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A review of 1973 -1982 tuna fishing activities within Nigeria's eez and the option for Nigeria OceanDocs
Ajayi, T.O..
Examination of published information on temperature, oxygen and other environmental preferences of tuna and tuna like fishes suggests that the Nigerian EEZ should have commercial quantities of the fishes. ICCAT historical catch and effort data analysed are confirmatory. Given the prevailing low level of maintenance consciousness, initial investments and skills required, purse-seine may not be decidedly superior to pole and line as the capture technique. Preferred sizes of vessel type and gear specific scenarios are described. It appears that fuel cost can attract some of the multinational fleets to Nigeria and that transhipment facilities and a local cannery are advantageous.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Fish catch statistics; Deep-sea fisheries.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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A review of 1973 - 1982 Tuna fishing activities within Nigeria's Eez and the options for Nigeria. OceanDocs
Ajayi, T.O..
Examination of published information on temperature, oxygen and other enviromental prefrences of tuna like fishes suggests that the Nigerian EEz should have commercial quantities of fishes. ICCAT historical catch and effort data analysed are confirmatory. given the prevailing low level of maintenance conciousness, initial investmnt and skills required, purse-seine may not be decidedly superior to pole ond line as capture technique. Prefered size of vessel type and gear specific scenarios are described. It appears that fuel costs can attract some of the multinational fleets to Nigeria and that transhipment facilities and a local canery are advantageous.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fishery resources; Fishery resources; Http://
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Highlights of 1960-1990 : Achievements in the last 30 years by the Nigerian institute for oceanography and marine research and its parent research division of the federal departement of fisheries, Lagos OceanDocs
Ajayi, T.O..
Before the Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research was established in 1975, the Research division of the parent body carried out extensive resources surveys of the inshore waters (0-50m depth), identified and documented most of the Nigerian Marine and brackish water fish and shrimp resources. The promulgation of the Sea Fisheries Decree of 1971 was based on the research findings of the division which also initiated the biological study of the commercially important fishes. The research efforts of the division provided the first ever scientific information on the coastal oceanography of Nigeria. The possibility of a viable brackish water polyculture was also established at Buguma and Lagos....
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Inshore waters; Freshwater fish; Shrimp fisheries; Coastal oceanography; Historical account.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Nigeria institute for oceanogaphy and marine research annual report 1997. OceanDocs
Ajayi, T.O..
Few publications on the Fisheries of Nigeria focus on the non-penaeid decapod stocks, and in general, reports discussing artisanal coastal and estuarine shrimp landings have been based largely on ad-hoc observations. Presumably as a consequence, only the big penaeid Penaeus notialis and Parapenaeopsis atlantica are identified, and that, only occasionally. More often than not, artisanal crustacean catches are usually lumped together as if they consist of a single taxon and treated under such group name as Caridae. The exception is that of Scott (1966) who estimated 1125 tons as the annual landings of filter traps fishing in the Bonny River to Forcados area, about 40kg per man per day. Tracing the abundance of white shrimp Nematopalaemon hastatus,...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Marine sciences; Marine technology; Marine sciences; Http://
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Nigeria institute for oceanogaphy and marine research annual report 1999. OceanDocs
Ajayi, T.O..
The Institute succeeded in realising part of its long-term plan of extending its research activities to cover the entire coastline of Nigeria, with the opening of Sapele Rural Station in Delta State. The station had since commenced operation prioritising farmers' field test and incubation of NIOMR's validated research results and technologies An attempt was made to revitalise the work force through staff upgrading, promotions, confirmation of appointments and retirement from the service. I n all 103 officers in various cadres were affected. New postings were also effected during the year for more effectiveness.All-year-round statistical sampling of landings in the industrial fishing sector continued throughout 1999. Croakers, as usual, dominated the fish...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Marine sciences; Marine technology; Marine sciences; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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On the fish catch and discard of the shrimp fishery of Nigeria OceanDocs
Ajayi, T.O.; Adetayo, J.A..
Commercial landings and effort data over the period 1970-1980 as well as shrimp research vessel catches were analysed. Both shrimp and fish by-catch consistently showed seasonality in abundance. However, while shrimp catches declined from 49.20% of total in 1979 to 13.795 in 1980, incidental fish landings rose proportionately. The fish shovelled overboard measured 18.0cm or less in total length. Prominent among these were Brachydeuterus auritus, Ilisha africana and Vomer setapinnis. The fish discard amounted to 43.68% of the total catch.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fishery management; Shrimp fisheries; Fishery management; Http://
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Possible upwelling phenomenon off the Nigerian coast OceanDocs
Ibe, A.C.; Ajayi, T.O..
Published information favour the occurrence in certain years of wind related upwelling in Nigeria's inshore waters especially between July and September. This is corroborated by the prevalence of petroleum source beds, glauconite, phosphorite and periodic abundance of some fish including Engraulis encrassicolus, Sardinella maderensis and the bonga Ethalmosa fimbriata which are pelagic and are associated with upwelling phenomena. Examination of temperature and salinity data for 1978 - 81 suggested that upwelling occurred during certain periods of each year. However, wind data for the same period lacked details to support postulates of wind driven upwelling. Instead, dynamic upwelling resulting from the juxtaposition of the currents in the area is...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coastal upwelling.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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The potential and strategies for optimum utilization of the fisheries resources of Nigeria OceanDocs
Ajayi, T.O.; Talabi, S.O..
The potential of the fishery resources of Nigeria (marine, brackish and freshwater) is assessed by means of primary and secondary data. The status of fish culture and its rapid development possibilities are discussed. Catch disposal and wastage therefore are critically examined. The inshore artisanal fisheries which have access to 128,000-170,000 mt of demersal pelagic and shellfish resources annually appear to be almost fully exploited. There is hope however for increased capture gear efficiency. On the other hand, the demersal stocks of the inshore industrial fishery, with a potential of 20,000 m.t. are still under-utilised. If poaching is eliminated, 3,500-4,000 mt of shrimp P. notialis can be harvested along with 7,000 mt of good sized fish as by...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fishery development; Fishery resources; Fishery resources; Http://
Ano: 1984 URL:
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