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A Dynamic Model of Mesh Size Regulatory Compliance AgEcon
Akpalu, Wisdom.
This paper employs a dynamic model for crimes that involve time and punishment to analyze the use of a net with illegal mesh size in a management regime where each community claims territorial use right over a fishery but has a discount rate that may differ from the social discount rate. The equilibrium stock and harvest levels are found to be much lower if the regulation is violated. Moreover, the optimal penalty for violation must be decreasing in the shadow cost of taking the risk to fish illegally, and increasing the risk of punishment increases the equilibrium stock level.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Crime; Dynamic model; Fishery; Regulation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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On the Economics of Rational Self-Medication AgEcon
Akpalu, Wisdom.
It has been established in the medical literature that self-medicating with imperfect information about either the use of a genuine or counterfeit drug or based on wrong self-diagnosis of ailment, which is predominant especially in developing countries, is a risky investment in health capital. This paper models the decision to self-medicate and the demand for self-medicated drugs. We suppose that investment in self-medication depends on the perception of its effectiveness. The results obtained show that the decision to self-medicate depends on the relative price and perceived effectiveness of self-medication, the elasticity of the shadow value of health with respect to the quantity of health capital, and the relative effectiveness of self-medication in...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Health Production; Self-Medication; Risky Investment; Government Policy; Dynamic Analysis; Demand and Price Analysis; Health Economics and Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Risk and Uncertainty; I12; I18; D81; C61.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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