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Heavy minerals in the Nigeria river sediments OceanDocs
Awosika, L.F.; Akpati, B.N..
Analysis of 450 sediment samples from various rivers in Nigeria have resulted in the identification of seven major drainage systems some of which may be potential sources of heavy mineral contribution to the continental shelf. The seven major drainage systems are: (1) Niger/Benue drainage system with coarse to medium size sediments and a high of 90% opaque mineral concentration in many cases. Some gem heavy minerals like garnet and zircon are also recorded. (2) Gombi drainage system: consists of medium to coarse sand. Opaque mineral concentrations are also high. Up to 90.59% at station BO.99.3. (3) Bauchi Plateau drainage system: Sediments from this drainage system are very coarse and highly angular. This drainage system records the highest overall opaque...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Marine ecology; Marine pollution; Marine ecology; Http://
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Nigeria institute for oceanogaphy and marine research annual report 1996. OceanDocs
Akpati, B.N..
The first phase of a coastal fisheries survey initiated in 1991, with the assistance of the World Bank, was completed in March 1996. The survey found that several inherent parameters are critical to all the main fisheries and these factors severally affect fishing operations. These critical factors include currents as they moderate fish movements and behaviour, lunar cycle, seasonal disruptions, inappropriate improvisation, coastal perturbations, scarcity of fuel wood, menace by trawlers, piracy and increasing costs. Appropriate policies and strategies to redress these critical factors and other disincentives should contribute to evitalising and sustaining small-scale coastal and marine fisheries in Nigeria. The relocation of the institute’s fish farm...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Marine sciences; Marine resources; Marine resources; Marine sciences; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1996 URL:
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