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Crustal geometry of the northeastern Gulf of Aden passive margin: localization of the deformation inferred from receiver function analysis 5
Tiberi, C.; Leroy, S.; D'Acremont, E.; Bellahsen, N.; Ebinger, C.; Al-lazki, A.; Pointu, A..
Here we use receiver function analysis to retrieve crustal thickness and crustal composition along the 35-My-old passive margin of the eastern Gulf of Aden. Our aims are to use results from the 3-D seismic array to map crustal stretching across and along the Aden margin in southern Oman. The array recorded local and teleseismic events between 2003 March and 2004 March. Seventy-eight events were used in our joint inversions for Vp/Vs ratio and depth. The major results are: (1) Crustal thickness decreases from the uplifted rift flank of the margin towards the Sheba mid-ocean ridge. We found a crustal thickness of about 35 km beneath the northern rift flank. This value decreases sharply to 26 km beneath the post-rift subsidence zone on the Salalah coastal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crustal structure; Receiver function; Rifted margin; Segmentation; Seismology.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The crustal structure of the north-eastern Gulf of Aden continental margin: insights from wide-angle seismic data 5
Watremez, Louise; Leroy, Sylvie; Rouzo, Stephane; D'Acremont, E.; Unternehr, P.; Ebinger, C.; Lucazeau, F.; Al-lazki, A..
P>The wide-angle seismic (WAS) and gravity data of the Encens survey allow us to determine the deep crustal structure of the north-eastern Gulf of Aden non-volcanic passive margin. The Gulf of Aden is a young oceanic basin that began to open at least 17.6 Ma ago. Its current geometry shows first- and second-order segmentation: our study focusses on the Ashawq-Salalah second-order segment, between Alula-Fartak and Socotra-Hadbeen fracture zones. Modelling of the WAS and gravity data (three profiles across and three along the margin) gives insights into the first- and second-order structures. (1) Continental thinning is abrupt (15-20 km thinning across 50-100 km distance). It is accommodated by several tilted blocks. (2) The ocean-continent transition...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Controlled source seismology; Continental margins: divergent; Crustal structure; Indian Ocean.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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