Ospina-alvarez, Andres; Bernal, Miguel; Alberto Catalan, Ignacio; Roos, David; Bigot, Jean-louis; Palomera, Isabel. |
To date, there are numerous transport simulation studies demonstrating the relevance of the hydrodynamics for the advection, dispersion and recruitment of early stages of marine organisms. However, the lack of data has conditioned the use of realistic locations for the model setup and configuration in transport studies. This work (I) demonstrates the key role played by the use of the realistic initial position of the eggs of small pelagic fishes in the analysis of late-larval recruitment in coastal nursery areas and (II) provides a general solution for deriving future egg positions and abundances from adult biomass obtained from acoustic surveys and available fecundity data. Using European anchovy in the NW Mediterranean as a case study, we first analyzed... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00160/27119/25312.pdf |
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