Chust, Guillem; Allen, J. Icarus; Bopp, Laurent; Schrum, Corinna; Holt, Jason; Tsiaras, Kostas; Zavatarelli, Marco; Chifflet, Marina; Cannaby, Heather; Dadou, Isabelle; Daewel, Ute; Wakelin, Sarah L.; Machu, Eric; Pushpadas, Dhanya; Butenschon, Momme; Artioli, Yuri; Petihakis, Georges; Smith, Chris; Garcon, Veronique; Goubanova, Katerina; Le Vu, Briac; Fach, Bettina A.; Salihoglu, Baris; Clementi, Emanuela; Irigoien, Xabier. |
Ocean warming can modify the ecophysiology and distribution of marine organisms, and relationships between species, with nonlinear interactions between ecosystem components potentially resulting in trophic amplification. Trophic amplification (or attenuation) describe the propagation of a hydroclimatic signal up the food web, causing magnification (or depression) of biomass values along one or more trophic pathways. We have employed 3-D coupled physical-biogeochemical models to explore ecosystem responses to climate change with a focus on trophic amplification. The response of phytoplankton and zooplankton to global climate-change projections, carried out with the IPSL Earth System Model by the end of the century, is analysed at global and regional basis,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ecosystem model; Food web; Plankton; Primary production; Sea warming; Trophic amplification. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00188/29966/28481.pdf |
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Holt, Jason; Allen, J. Icarus; Anderson, Thomas R.; Brewin, Robert; Butenschoen, Momme; Harle, James; Huse, Geir; Lehodey, Patrick; Lindemann, Christian; Memery, Laurent; Salihoglu, Buis; Senina, Inna; Yool, Andrew. |
It has long been recognised that there are strong interactions and feedbacks between climate, upper ocean biogeochemistry and marine food webs, and also that food web structure and phytoplankton community distribution are important determinants of variability in carbon production and export from the euphotic zone. Numerical models provide a vital tool to explore these interactions, given their capability to investigate multiple connected components of the system and the sensitivity to multiple drivers, including potential future conditions. A major driver for ecosystem model development is the demand for quantitative tools to support ecosystem-based management initiatives. The purpose of this paper is to review approaches to the modelling of marine... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00213/32434/30901.pdf |
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Rose, Kenneth A.; Allen, J. Icarus; Artioli, Yuri; Barange, Manuel; Blackford, Jerry; Carlotti, Francois; Cropp, Roger; Daewel, Ute; Edwards, Karen; Flynn, Kevin; Hill, Simeon L.; Hillerislambers, Reinier; Huse, Geir; Mackinson, Steven; Megrey, Bernard; Moll, Andreas; Rivkin, Richard; Salihoglu, Baris; Schrum, Corinna; Shannon, Lynne; Shin, Yunne-jai; Smith, S. Lan; Smith, Chris; Solidoro, Cosimo; St John, Michael; Zhou, Meng. |
There is growing interest in models of marine ecosystems that deal with the effects of climate change through the higher trophic levels. Such end-to-end models combine physicochemical oceanographic descriptors and organisms ranging from microbes to higher-trophic-level (HTL) organisms, including humans, in a single modeling framework. The demand for such approaches arises from the need for quantitative tools for ecosystem-based management, particularly models that can deal with bottom-up and top-down controls that operate simultaneously and vary in time and space and that are capable of handling the multiple impacts expected under climate change. End-to-end models are now feasible because of improvements in the component submodels and the availability of... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00483/59488/62350.pdf |
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