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Effects of an environmentally relevant concentration of diuron on oyster genitors during gametogenesis: responses of early molecular and cellular markers and physiological impacts 5
Akcha, Farida; Barranger, Audrey; Bachere, Evelyne; Berthelin, C. Heude; Piquemal, D.; Alonso, P.; Sallan, R. Rondon; Dimastrogiovanni, G.; Porte, C.; Menard, Dominique; Szczybelski, A.; Benabdelmouna, Abdellah; Auffret, M.; Rouxel, Julien; Burgeot, Thierry.
Genitors of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas were submitted during gametogenesis to a short pulse exposure to the herbicide diuron at a realistic environmental concentration. Histological analysis showed no effect of diuron on gametogenesis course, sex ratio and reproductive effort. A non-significant increase in testosterone and progesterone levels was observed in genitors exposed to the herbicide. At cell level, diuron exposure was shown to modulate the phagocytic activity of circulating hemocytes. The results of a transcriptional analysis showed that diuron affected the expression of genes belonging to functions known to play a major role during oyster gametogenesis such as gene transcription regulation, DNA replication and repair, DNA methylation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oyster; Pesticide; Reproduction; Histology; Gene expression; RT-qPCR; Steroid; Immunity.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Etude sanitaire de la zone de production conchylicole n°34.09 « Bande littorale de Port Ambonne au feu ouest du brise lames extérieur du port des Quilles ». Partie 1 : Etude de dossier et définition de la stratégie d’échantillonnage 5
Serais, Ophelie; Lequette, C; Alonso, P.; Amouroux, Isabelle; Laugier, Thierry.
Ce rapport présente les résultats de l’étude de dossier, de l’inspection du littoral et des campagnes de localisation des gisements de tellines réalisés dans le cadre de l’étude sanitaire de la zone de production n°34.09 «Bande littorale de Port Ambonne au feu ouest du Brise Lames extérieur du port des quilles», sous financement de la Direction Générale de l’Alimentation (DGAL), et à maîtrise d’ouvrage de la Direction Départementale des Territoires de la Mer (DDTM). Les principales sources potentielles de pollution de la zone de production n°34.09 semblent être, par ordre de criticité décroissant : le ruissellement pluvial de la ville de Sète, le ruissellement pluvial de Marseillan-Ambonne, le port de Marseillan-Ambonne, les installations en assainissement...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Étude sanitaire; Sources de contamination microbiologique; E. Coli; Bande littorale de Sète à Port-Ambonne; Gisement de tellines.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Transcriptional changes in Crassostrea gigas oyster spat following a parental exposure to the herbicide diuron 5
Rondon, R.; Akcha, Farida; Alonso, P.; Menard, Dominique; Rouxel, Julien; Montagnani, Caroline; Mitta, Guillaume; Cosseau, C.; Grunau, C..
The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is the main oyster species produced in the world, and a key coastal economic resource in France. High mortalities affect Pacific oysters since 2008 in France and Europe. Their origins have been attributed to a combination of biotic and abiotic factors, underlining the importance of environment quality. The impact of water pollution has been pointed out and one of the pollutants, the genotoxic herbicide diuron, occurs at high concentrations all along the French coasts. Previous work has revealed that a parental exposure to diuron had a strong impact on hatching rates and offspring development even if spats were not exposed to diuron themselves. In this study, we explored for the first time the transcriptional changes...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mollusk; Oyster; Diuron; Transcriptomic; Ecotoxicology.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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