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The Linkage Between Income Distribution and Clean Energy Investments: Addressing Financing Cost AgEcon
Ameli, Nadia; Kammen, Daniel M..
With a focus on alternative methods for accelerating clean energy policy adoption, this study introduces an innovative financing scheme for renewable and energy efficiency deployment. Financing barriers represent a notable obstacle for energy improvements and this is particularly the case for low-income households. Limited access to credit, due to socio-economic status and the lack of guarantees, are key issues related to financing barriers. Implementing a policy such as PACE – Property Assessed Clean Energy – allows for the provision of up-front funds for residential property owners to install electric and thermal solar systems and make energy-efficiency improvements to their buildings. This paper will inform the design of better policies tailored to the...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Financing Barriers; Energy Efficiency; Solar PV; Energy Investments; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q42; Q55.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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