Ameseder, Christoph; Canavari, Maurizio; Cantore, Nicola; Deiters, Jivka; Fritz, Melanie; Haas, Rainer; Matopoulos, Aristides; Meixner, Oliver; Vlachopoulou, Maro. |
Nowadays, agri-food chains are more global than ever and are characterized by increased imports and exports and global sourcing of products, resulting in increased cross-border transaction risks. The objective of this paper is to identify the typical risks regarding agri-food supply chains involved in cross-border transactions and to assess their importance as perceived by agri-food managers. The analysis takes into consideration four different agrifood value chains (meat, grain, olive oil, fresh vegetables and fruits). Following an explorative approach and a qualitative technique, a series of face to face in-depth interviews was conducted. Results indicate that risk perception may be quite different across countries, value chains, tiers of the supply... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Perceived Risks; Cross-Border Transactions; Agri-Food Chains; Risk and Uncertainty. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/57659 |
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Ameseder, Christoph; Haas, Rainer; Fritz, Melanie; Schiefer, Gerhard. |
The purpose of this study is to assess and evaluate the most important risks in selected European and international food chains from the perspective of the buying company. The primary objective is to identify the “non-acceptable” risks in terms of damage potential and likelihood of occurrence of value chains in the sectors grain, meat, fruit and vegetable, and olive oil. Data was collected by each partner of the European research project “e-trust” (FP6-CT-2006-043056) by conducting 81 qualitative expert interviews with business leaders in Europe (Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Spain) as well as in Brazil, Turkey, and the USA. The study focuses on a wider supply chain or network perspective for the risk assessment. Methodically the assessed... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Risk; Risk analysis; Supply chain; Food; Risk map; Risk classification; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Food Security and Poverty; Industrial Organization; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Risk and Uncertainty. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/58708 |
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Ameseder, Christoph; House, Lisa; Haas, Rainer; Meixner, Oliver; Fritz, Melanie; Dahl, Ellie; Hofstede, Gert Jan. |
Research on organizational and inter‐organizational trust has become an important field in management and marketing literature, as it is perceived as a pivotal aspect of business transactions. However, clarifications are still needed on the issue of whom we trust; is the person whom we are trading with trusted, or the organization, or just the product‐quality? Not only has this question not been answered within this field of research, neither have cultural differences have been described to any great extent. Additionally, if the perceived factors important to establish trusting relationships may or may not be the same on the buyers and the sellers side in international business transaction in food chains. The primary objective of this research study... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Trust; Perceived trust; Importance of trust factors business transaction; Supply chain; Fruit and vegetable; US; EU; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing; Production Economics; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/100473 |
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