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Dried blood spot testing for the antenatal screening of HTLV, HIV, syphilis, toxoplasmosis and hepatitis B and C: prevalence, accuracy and operational aspects BJID
Boa-Sorte,Ney; Purificação,Antônio; Amorim,Tatiana; Assunção,Lorena; Reis,Alan; Galvão-Castro,Bernardo.
Introduction:Screening for vertically transmitted infection is mandatory and must be conducted at the first prenatal consultation. The most vulnerable women's groups are those at the lowest socio-economic level. Dried blood spot testing on filter paper could represent a secure way to screen pregnant women in the prenatal period.Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted between November 2009 and March 2010, in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, to compare the accuracy of the dried blood spot in filter paper and venipuncture serological as screening methods for HIV, HTLV, VHB, VHC, Treponema pallidum, and Toxoplasma gondii during prenatal period. Results of the venous blood sample collected in tubes were considered the gold...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Prenatal care; Infectious diseases; Seroprevalence; Dried blood spot testinga.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Population medical genetics: translating science to the community Genet. Mol. Biol.
Giugliani,Roberto; Bender,Fernanda; Couto,Rowena; Bochernitsan,Aline; Brusius-Facchin,Ana Carolina; Burin,Maira; Amorim,Tatiana; Acosta,Angelina Xavier; Purificação,Antônio; Leistner-Segal,Sandra; Saraiva-Pereira,Maria Luiza; Jardim,Laura Bannach; Matte,Ursula; Riegel,Mariluce; Cardoso-dos-Santos,Augusto César; Rodrigues,Graziella; Oliveira,Marcelo Zagonel de; Tagliani-Ribeiro,Alice; Heck,Selia; Dresch,Vanusa; Schuler-Faccini,Lavínia; Kubaski,Francyne.
Abstract Rare genetic disorders are currently in the spotlight due to the elevated number of different conditions and significant total number of affected patients. The study of these disorders is extremely helpful for the elucidation of physiological processes related with complex disorders. Isolated populations are instrumental for the study of genetic disorders, considering their homogeneity and high proportion of affected patients in a small geographic area. These favorable conditions lead to the creation of a new discipline, known as “population medical genetics”, which integrates medical genetics, population genetics, epidemiological genetics and community genetics. In order to develop practical activities in this new discipline, the National...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Population Medical Genetics; Genetic clusters; Founder effect; Population isolates.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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