Abdalla, Saleh; Abdeh Kolahchi, Abdolnabi; Adusumilli, Susheel; Aich Bhowmick, Suchandra; Alou-font, Eva; Amarouche, Laiba; Andersen, Ole Baltazar; Antich, Helena; Aouf, Lotfi; Arbic, Brian; Armitage, Thomas; Arnault, Sabine; Artana, Camila; Aulicino, Giuseppe; Ayoub, Nadia; Badulin, Sergei; Baker, Steven; Banks, Chris; Bao, Lifeng; Barbetta, Silvia; Barceló-llull, Bàrbara; Barlier, François; Basu, Sujit; Bauer-gottwein, Peter; Becker, Matthias; Beckley, Brian; Bellefond, Nicole; Belonenko, Tatyana; Benkiran, Mounir; Benkouider, Touati; Bennartz, Ralf; Benveniste, Jérôme; Bercher, Nicolas; Berge-nguyen, Muriel; Bettencourt, Joao; Blarel, Fabien; Blazquez, Alejandro; Blumstein, Denis; Bonnefond, Pascal; Borde, Franck; Bouffard, Jérôme; Boy, François; Boy, Jean-paul; Brachet, Cédric; Brasseur, Pierre; Braun, Alexander; Brocca, Luca; Brockley, David; Brodeau, Laurent; Brown, Shannon; Bruinsma, Sean; Bulczak, Anna; Buzzard, Sammie; Cahill, Madeleine; Calmant, Stéphane; Calzas, Michel; Camici, Stefania; Cancet, Mathilde; Capdeville, Hugues; Carabajal, Claudia Cristina; Carrere, Loren; Cazenave, Anny; Chassignet, Eric P.; Chauhan, Prakash; Cherchali, Selma; Chereskin, Teresa; Cheymol, Cecile; Ciani, Daniele; Cipollini, Paolo; Cirillo, Francesca; Cosme, Emmanuel; Coss, Steve; Cotroneo, Yuri; Cotton, David; Couhert, Alexandre; Coutin-faye, Sophie; Crétaux, Jean-françois; Cyr, Frederic; D’ovidio, Francesco; Darrozes, José; David, Cedric; Dayoub, Nadim; De Staerke, Danielle; Deng, Xiaoli; Desai, Shailen; Desjonqueres, Jean-damien; Dettmering, Denise; Di Bella, Alessandro; Díaz-barroso, Lara; Dibarboure, Gerald; Dieng, Habib Boubacar; Dinardo, Salvatore; Dobslaw, Henryk; Dodet, Guillaume; Doglioli, Andrea; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Donahue, David; Dong, Shenfu; Donlon, Craig; Dorandeu, Joël; Drezen, Christine; Drinkwater, Mark; Du Penhoat, Yves; Dushaw, Brian; Egido, Alejandro; Erofeeva, Svetlana; Escudier, Philippe; Esselborn, Saskia; Exertier, Pierre; Fablet, Ronan; Falco, Cédric; Farrell, Sinead Louise; Faugere, Yannice; Femenias, Pierre; Fenoglio, Luciana; Fernandes, Joana; Fernández, Juan Gabriel; Ferrage, Pascale; Ferrari, Ramiro; Fichen, Lionel; Filippucci, Paolo; Flampouris, Stylianos; Fleury, Sara; Fornari, Marco; Forsberg, Rene; Frappart, Frédéric; Frery, Marie-laure; Garcia, Pablo; Garcia-mondejar, Albert; Gaudelli, Julia; Gaultier, Lucile; Getirana, Augusto; Gibert, Ferran; Gil, Artur; Gilbert, Lin; Gille, Sarah; Giulicchi, Luisella; Gómez-enri, Jesús; Gómez-navarro, Laura; Gommenginger, Christine; Gourdeau, Lionel; Griffin, David; Groh, Andreas; Guerin, Alexandre; Guerrero, Raul; Guinle, Thierry; Gupta, Praveen; Gutknecht, Benjamin D.; Hamon, Mathieu; Han, Guoqi; Hauser, Danièle; Helm, Veit; Hendricks, Stefan; Hernandez, Fabrice; Hogg, Anna; Horwath, Martin; Idžanović, Martina; Janssen, Peter; Jeansou, Eric; Jia, Yongjun; Jia, Yuanyuan; Jiang, Liguang; Johannessen, Johnny A.; Kamachi, Masafumi; Karimova, Svetlana; Kelly, Kathryn; Kim, Sung Yong; King, Robert; Kittel, Cecile M.m.; Klein, Patrice; Klos, Anna; Knudsen, Per; Koenig, Rolf; Kostianoy, Andrey; Kouraev, Alexei; Kumar, Raj; Labroue, Sylvie; Lago, Loreley Selene; Lambin, Juliette; Lasson, Léa; Laurain, Olivier; Laxenaire, Rémi; Lázaro, Clara; Le Gac, Sophie; Le Sommer, Julien; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Lebedev, Sergey; Léger, Fabien; Legresy, Benoı̂t; Lemoine, Frank; Lenain, Luc; Leuliette, Eric; Levy, Marina; Lillibridge, John; Liu, Jianqiang; Llovel, William; Lyard, Florent; Macintosh, Claire; Makhoul Varona, Eduard; Manfredi, Cécile; Marin, Frédéric; Mason, Evan; Massari, Christian; Mavrocordatos, Constantin; Maximenko, Nikolai; Mcmillan, Malcolm; Medina, Thierry; Melet, Angelique; Meloni, Marco; Mertikas, Stelios; Metref, Sammy; Meyssignac, Benoit; Michaël, Ablain; Minster, Jean-françois; Moreau, Thomas; Moreira, Daniel; Morel, Yves; Morrow, Rosemary; Moyard, John; Mulet, Sandrine; Naeije, Marc; Nerem, Robert Steven; Ngodock, Hans; Nielsen, Karina; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie; Niño, Fernando; Nogueira Loddo, Carolina; Noûs, Camille; Obligis, Estelle; Otosaka, Inès; Otten, Michiel; Oztunali Ozbahceci, Berguzar; P. Raj, Roshin; Paiva, Rodrigo; Paniagua, Guillermina; Paolo, Fernando; Paris, Adrien; Pascual, Ananda; Passaro, Marcello; Paul, Stephan; Pavelsky, Tamlin; Pearson, Christopher; Penduff, Thierry; Peng, Fukai; Perosanz, Felix; Picot, Nicolas; Piras, Fanny; Poggiali, Valerio; Poirier, Étienne; Ponce De León, Sonia; Prants, Sergey; Prigent, Catherine; Provost, Christine; Pujol, M-isabelle; Qiu, Bo; Quilfen, Yves; Rami, Ali; Raney, R. Keith; Raynal, Matthias; Remy, Elisabeth; Rémy, Frédérique; Restano, Marco; Richardson, Annie; Richardson, Donald; Ricker, Robert; Ricko, Martina; Rinne, Eero; Rose, Stine Kildegaard; Rosmorduc, Vinca; Rudenko, Sergei; Ruiz, Simón; Ryan, Barbara J.; Salaün, Corinne; Sanchez-roman, Antonio; Sandberg Sørensen, Louise; Sandwell, David; Saraceno, Martin; Scagliola, Michele; Schaeffer, Philippe; Scharffenberg, Martin G.; Scharroo, Remko; Schiller, Andreas; Schneider, Raphael; Schwatke, Christian; Scozzari, Andrea; Ser-giacomi, Enrico; Seyler, Frederique; Shah, Rashmi; Sharma, Rashmi; Shaw, Andrew; Shepherd, Andrew; Shriver, Jay; Shum, C.k.; Simons, Wim; Simonsen, Sebatian B.; Slater, Thomas; Smith, Walter; Soares, Saulo; Sokolovskiy, Mikhail; Soudarin, Laurent; Spatar, Ciprian; Speich, Sabrina; Srinivasan, Margaret; Srokosz, Meric; Stanev, Emil; Staneva, Joanna; Steunou, Nathalie; Stroeve, Julienne; Su, Bob; Sulistioadi, Yohanes Budi; Swain, Debadatta; Sylvestre-baron, Annick; Taburet, Nicolas; Tailleux, Rémi; Takayama, Katsumi; Tapley, Byron; Tarpanelli, Angelica; Tavernier, Gilles; Testut, Laurent; Thakur, Praveen K.; Thibaut, Pierre; Thompson, Luanne; Tintoré, Joaquín; Tison, Céline; Tourain, Cédric; Tournadre, Jean; Townsend, Bill; Tran, Ngan; Trilles, Sébastien; Tsamados, Michel; Tseng, Kuo-hsin; Ubelmann, Clément; Uebbing, Bernd; Vergara, Oscar; Verron, Jacques; Vieira, Telmo; Vignudelli, Stefano; Vinogradova Shiffer, Nadya; Visser, Pieter; Vivier, Frederic; Volkov, Denis; Von Schuckmann, Karina; Vuglinskii, Valerii; Vuilleumier, Pierrik; Walter, Blake; Wang, Jida; Wang, Chao; Watson, Christopher; Wilkin, John; Willis, Josh; Wilson, Hilary; Woodworth, Philip; Yang, Kehan; Yao, Fangfang; Zaharia, Raymond; Zakharova, Elena; Zaron, Edward D.; Zhang, Yongsheng; Zhao, Zhongxiang; Zinchenko, Vadim; Zlotnicki, Victor. |
In 2018 we celebrated 25 years of development of radar altimetry, and the progress achieved by this methodology in the fields of global and coastal oceanography, hydrology, geodesy and cryospheric sciences. Many symbolic major events have celebrated these developments, e.g., in Venice, Italy, the 15th (2006) and 20th (2012) years of progress and more recently, in 2018, in Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 25 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry. On this latter occasion it was decided to collect contributions of scientists, engineers and managers involved in the worldwide altimetry community to depict the state of altimetry and propose recommendations for the altimetry of the future. This paper summarizes contributions and recommendations that were collected and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Satellite altimetry; Oceanography; Sea level; Coastal oceanography; Cryospheric sciences; Hydrology. |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00688/79999/82978.pdf |
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Wickert, Jens; Cardellach, Estel; Martin-neira, Manuel; Bandeiras, Jorge; Bertino, Laurent; Andersen, Ole Baltazar; Camps, Adriano; Catarino, Nuno; Chapron, Bertrand; Fabra, Fran; Floury, Nicolas; Foti, Giuseppe; Gommenginger, Christine; Hatton, Jason; Hoeg, Per; Jaggi, Adrian; Kern, Michael; Lee, Tong; Li, Zhijin; Park, Hyuk; Pierdicca, Nazzareno; Ressler, Gerhard; Rius, Antonio; Rosello, Josep; Saynisch, Jan; Soulat, Francois; Shum, C. K.; Semmling, Maximilian; Sousa, Ana; Xie, Jiping; Zuffada, Cinzia. |
GEROS-ISS stands for GNSS REflectometry, radio occultation, and scatterometry onboard the International Space Station (ISS). It is a scientific experiment, successfully proposed to the European Space Agency in 2011. The experiment as the name indicates will be conducted on the ISS. The main focus of GEROS-ISS is the dedicated use of signals from the currently available Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in L-band for remote sensing of the Earth with a focus to study climate change. Prime mission objectives are the determination of the altimetric sea surface height of the oceans and of the ocean surface mean square slope, which is related to sea roughness and wind speed. These geophysical parameters are derived using reflected GNSS signals (GNSS... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) reflectometry; GNSS radio occultation; International space station; Mean sea level; Mesoscale ocean currents. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00359/47016/46973.pdf |
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Cheng, Yongcun; Andersen, Ole Baltazar. |
A new global ocean tide model named DTU10 (developed at Technical University of Denmark) representing all major diurnal and semidiurnal tidal constituents is proposed based on an empirical correction to the global tide model FES2004 (Finite Element Solutions), with residual tides determined using the response method. The improvements are achieved by introducing 4 years of TOPEX-Jason 1 interleaved mission into existing 18 years (1993-2010) of primary joint TOPEX, Jason 1, and Jason 2 mission time series. Hereby the spatial distribution of observations are doubled and satellite altimetry should be able to recover twice the spatial variations of the tidal signal which is particularly important in shallow waters where the spatial scale of the tidal signal is... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00489/60026/63289.pdf |
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