Objective of this experiment was to use seed cake of Jatropha as the organic fertilizer for sweet corn production. Property of fresh seed cake of Jatropha was pH 6.6, EC 1.77 dS/m, total N 3.55 percent, total P2O5 1.47 percent, total K2O 1.39 percent, total Ca 0.68 percent, and total Mg 0.64 percent. Plot research was conducted at the National Corn and Sorghum Research Center. The experiment was repeated in 6 crop seasons in 2007-2009. Randomized complete block design was laid out, with four replications and six treatments. The six treatments were chemical fertilizer application at the recommendation, cow manure application (2500 kg/rai), Jatropha seed cake application (620, 800, and 1000 kg/rai), and no fertilizer application. The combined analysis of the... |