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A comparative review of fisheries management experiences in the European Union and in other countries worldwide: Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand ArchiMer
Marchal, Paul; Andersen, Jesper Levring; Aranda, Martin; Fitzpatrick, Mike; Goti, Leyre; Guyader, Olivier; Haraldsson, Gunnar; Hatcher, Aaron; Hegland, Troels Jacob; Le Floc H, Pascal; Macher, Claire; Malvarosa, Loretta; Maravelias, Christos D.; Mardle, Simon; Murillas, Arantza; Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Sabatella, Rosaria; Smith, Anthony D. M.; Stokes, Kevin; Thoegersen, Thomas; Ulrich, Clara.
This study compares the details and performance of fisheries management between the EU and a selection of other countries worldwide: Iceland, New Zealand, and Australia, which are considered in many respects to be among the most advanced in the world in fisheries management. Fisheries management in the EU, Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand has developed following different paths, despite being based on similar instruments and principles. Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand have been at the forefront of developing management practices such as stakeholder involvement, legally binding management targets (Australia, New Zealand), individual transferable quotas, and discard bans (Iceland, New Zealand). The EU has since the beginning of the 21st century taken...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Australia; Comparative review; European Union; Fisheries management; Iceland; New Zealand.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Étude pour PECH — La politique de la pêche de l’UE – dernières évolutions et défis à venir ArchiMer
Aranda, Martin; Ulrich, Clara; Le Gallic, Bertrand; Borges, Lisa; Metz, Sébastien; Prellezo, Raul; Santurtun, Marina.
This study examines the latest developments of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in the fields of fisheries management, Common Market Organisation (CMO) and its external dimension. It also discusses the potential challenges that the EU fisheries policy might be facing in the near future. The present research contains ten case studies and concludes with possible solutions and recommendations to address some of the sector’s forthcoming challenges.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Guidelines for the definition of operational management units ArchiMer
Uriarte, Andres; Zarauz, Lucia; Aranda, Martin; Santurtun, Marina; Iriondo, Ane; Berthou, Patrick; Castro, Jose; Delayat, Stephanie; Falcon, Jesus; Garcia, Javier; Gaspar, Miguel; Gonzalez, J.f.; Jimenez, Sebastian; Lordan, Colm; Morandeau, Gilles; Sanchez, Florence; Santamaria, Maria Theresa; Villegas, Noemi.
The objective of fisheries management is the sustainable exploitation of the fish resources over the extent of their spatial distribution. Along with the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) objectives, the socio-economic viability of the fisheries exploiting the resource is also to be achieved. To reach these aims, managers need to define the management units they are going to work with. For the purpose of GEPETO project, we define a management unit (MU) as the set of fishing fleets exploiting a common pool of fish resources with strong spatial overlapping and sharing of habitats, which make them being typically fished together. In other words, a MU is the set of fishing fleets exploiting a common fish community over their spatial distribution. MUs have to be...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The regional management of fisheries in European Western Waters ArchiMer
Le Floc'H, Pascal; Murillas, Arantza; Aranda, Martin; Daures, Fabienne; Fitzpatrick, Mike; Guyader, Olivier; Hatcher, Aaron; Macher, Claire; Marchal, Paul.
A survey of past and existing management measures applied to different fisheries in European Western Waters is analyzed as a typology of co-management between governments and stakeholders. Faced with increasing constraints on accessing fish stocks, management measures have evolved toward fishing rights individualization, limited access and various other specific measures. Restrictions on access have changed fishermen’s behaviour in several significant ways. A comparative analysis, based on qualitative data collected through interviews and focus groups, is developed for fisheries from the following European countries: France, Ireland, Spain and the United Kingdom. Past and existing individual harvesting rights in the four countries are reviewed and compared.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management; Fishery governance; Common Fishery Policy (CFP).
Ano: 2015 URL:
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