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Interhemispheric leakage of isotopically heavy nitrate in the eastern tropical Pacific during the last glacial period 5
Pichevin, Laetitia; Ganeshram, Raja S.; Francavilla, Stephen; Arellano-torres, Elsa; Pedersen, Tom F.; Beaufort, Luc.
We present new high-resolution N isotope records from the Gulf of Tehuantepec and the Nicaragua Basin spanning the last 50-70 ka. The Tehuantepec site is situated within the core of the north subtropical denitrification zone while the Nicaragua site is at the southern boundary. The delta N-15 record from Nicaragua shows an "Antarctic" timing similar to denitrification changes observed off Peru-Chile but is radically different from the northern records. We attribute this to the leakage of isotopically heavy nitrate from the South Pacific oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) into the Nicaragua Basin. The Nicaragua record leads the other eastern tropical North Pacific (ETNP) records by about 1000 years because denitrification peaks in the eastern tropical South Pacific...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Persistent millennial scale climate variability in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific over the last two glacial cycles 5
Arellano-torres, Elsa; Ganeshram, Raja S.; Pichevin, Laetitia E.; Salas-de-leon, David Alberto.
High-resolution sediment records from the eastern tropical North Pacific (ETNP) spanning the last ~240 ka B.P. were studied to document the nature of millennial-scale climatic events in the tropical Pacific and to investigate teleconnection mechanisms. We present organic carbon (%OC) and diffuse spectral reflectivity records as indicative of upwelling and productivity changes off NW Mexico over the middle to late Pleistocene. The new productivity records document the persistence of abrupt millennial-scale changes over the last two glacial cycles. Detailed spectral and wavelet time series analyses show the predominance of longer climatic cycles (2–6 ka) during the last and the penultimate glacial periods. The persistence of millennial variability during the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Millennial scale; Last glacial; Penultimate glacial; Time series analyses; Eastern tropical North Pacific.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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