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A search for RNA insertions and NS3 gene duplication in the genome of cytopathic isolates of bovine viral diarrhea virus 56
Quadros,V.L.; Mayer,S.V.; Vogel,F.S.F.; Weiblen,R.; Brum,M.C.S.; Arenhart,S.; Flores,E.F..
Calves born persistently infected with non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus (ncpBVDV) frequently develop a fatal gastroenteric illness called mucosal disease. Both the original virus (ncpBVDV) and an antigenically identical but cytopathic virus (cpBVDV) can be isolated from animals affected by mucosal disease. Cytopathic BVDVs originate from their ncp counterparts by diverse genetic mechanisms, all leading to the expression of the non-structural polypeptide NS3 as a discrete protein. In contrast, ncpBVDVs express only the large precursor polypeptide, NS2-3, which contains the NS3 sequence within its carboxy-terminal half. We report here the investigation of the mechanism leading to NS3 expression in 41 cpBVDV isolates. An RT-PCR strategy was employed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovine viral diarrhea virus; CpBVDV; NS3 gene; Cytopathology; RNA processing.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Dexamethasone-induced reactivation of bovine herpesvirus type 5 latent infection in experimentally infected rabbits results in a broader distribution of latent viral DNA in the brain 56
Mayer,S.V.; de Quadros,V.L.; Vogel,F.S.F.; Winkelmann,E.R.; Arenhart,S.; Weiblen,R.; Flores,E.F..
Bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BHV-5) is a major agent of meningoencephalitis in cattle and establishes latent infections mainly in sensory nerve ganglia. The distribution of latent BHV-5 DNA in the brain of rabbits prior to and after virus reactivation was studied using a nested PCR. Fifteen rabbits inoculated intranasally with BHV-5 were euthanized 60 days post-inoculation (group A, N = 8) or submitted to dexamethasone treatment (2.6 mg kg-1 day-1, im, for 5 days) and euthanized 60 days later (group B, N = 7) for tissue examination. Two groups of BHV-1-infected rabbits (C, N = 3 and D, N = 3) submitted to each treatment were used as controls. Viral DNA of group A rabbits was consistently detected in trigeminal ganglia (8/8), frequently in cerebellum (5/8),...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovine herpesvirus type 5; BHV-5; BHV-1; Latent infection; Rabbits; Brain.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Efficient assembly of full-length infectious clone of Brazilian IBDV isolate by homologous recombination in yeast 58
Silva Jr.,J.V.J.; Arenhart,S.; Santos,H.F.; Almeida-Queiroz,S.R.; Silva,A.N.M.R.; Trevisol,I.M.; Bertani,G.R.; Gil,L.H.V.G..
The Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) causes immunosuppression in young chickens. Advances in molecular virology and vaccines for IBDV have been achieved by viral reverse genetics (VRG). VRG for IBDV has undergone changes over time, however all strategies used to generate particles of IBDV involves multiple rounds of amplification and need of in vitro ligation and restriction sites. The aim of this research was to build the world's first VRG for IBDV by yeast-based homologous recombination; a more efficient, robust and simple process than cloning by in vitro ligation. The wild type IBDV (Wt-IBDV-Br) was isolated in Brazil and had its genome cloned in pJG-CMV-HDR vector by yeast-based homologous recombination. The clones were transfected into chicken...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Infectious bursal disease virus; Reverse genetics; Yeast-based homologous recombination.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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