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Selective fishing and balanced harvest in relation to fisheries and ecosystem sustainability. Report of a scientific workshop organized by the IUCN-CEM Fisheries Expert Group (FEG) and the European Board of Conservation and Development (EBCD) in Nagoya (Japan) 14-16 October 2010 5
Garcia, Serge; Kolding, Jeppe; Rice, Jake; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Zhou, Shijie; Arimoto, Takafumi; Borges, Lisa; Bundy, Alida; Dunn, Daniel; Graham, Norman; Hall, Martin; Heino, Mikko; Law, Richard; Makino, Mitsutaku; Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D.; Simard, François; Smith, Anthony D.m.; Symons, Despina.
The conventional selectivity paradigm is briefly reviewed and its performance examined from an ecosystem perspective. It is stressed that the overall (cumulative) selectivity of the harvest process in an ecosystem is the result of nested selection by fishers and fisheries of: (i) habitats; (ii) species assemblages; (iii) populations and (iv) individuals. A range of ecosystem models predict a strong impact of concentrated fishing (selective fishing) on the ecosystem structure stability, resilience and productivity. There seem to be advantages (in both yield and maintenance of ecosystem structure and functioning) to distribute fishing pressure broadly across available species and ecosystem compartments. Balanced harvesting was therefore defined by the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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