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Can We Infer Diapycnal Mixing Rates from the World Ocean Temperature-Salinity Distribution? ArchiMer
Arzel, Olivier; Colin De Verdiere, Alain.
The turbulent diapycnal mixing in the ocean is currently obtained from microstructure and finestructure measurements, dye experiments, and inverse models. This study presents a new method that infers the diapycnal mixing from low-resolution numerical calculations of the World Ocean whose temperatures and salinities are restored to the climatology. At the difference of robust general circulation ocean models, diapycnal diffusion is not prescribed but inferred. At steady state the buoyancy equation shows an equilibrium between the large-scale diapycnal advection and the restoring terms that take the place of the divergence of eddy buoyancy fluxes. The geography of the diapycnal flow reveals a strong regional variability of water mass transformations....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Diapycnal mixing; Eddies; Meridional overturning circulation; Mixing; Ocean circulation; General circulation models.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Contributions of Atmospheric Stochastic Forcing and Intrinsic Ocean Modes to North Atlantic Ocean Interdecadal Variability ArchiMer
Arzel, Olivier; Huck, Thierry.
Atmospheric stochastic forcing associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and intrinsic ocean modes associated with the large-scale baroclinic instability of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) are recognized as two strong paradigms for the existence of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). The degree to which each of these factors contribute to the low-frequency variability of the North Atlantic is the central question in this paper. This issue is addressed here using an ocean general circulation model run under a wide range of background conditions extending from a super-critical regime where the oceanic variability spontaneously develops in the absence of any atmospheric noise forcing to a damped regime where the variability requires some...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Instability; Rossby waves; Climate variability; Interdecadal variability; Multidecadal variability; North Atlantic Oscillation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Decadal oscillations in a simplified coupled model due to unstable interactions between zonal winds and ocean gyres ArchiMer
Arzel, Olivier; Huck, Thierry.
A simplified coupled ocean-atmosphere model, consisting of a one-layer bidimensional ocean model and a one-layer unidimensional energy balance atmospheric model [J. Clim. 13 (2000) 232] is used to study the unstable interactions between zonal winds and ocean gyres. In a specific range of parameters, decadal variability is found. Anomalies, quite homogeneous zonally, show small-scale wavelength in latitude: perturbations emerge and grow at the southern limb of the intergyre boundary and propagate southward before decaying. The wind stress anomalies are proportional to the meridional gradient of the atmospheric temperature anomalies: this ratio acts as a positive amplification factor, as confirmed by a parameter sensitivity analysis. Assuming...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean atmosphere system; Air sea interaction; Air sea coupling; Ocean circulation.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Direct temporal cascade of temperature variance in eddy-permitting simulations of multidecadal variability ArchiMer
Hochet, Antoine; Huck, Thierry; Arzel, Olivier; Sevellec, Florian; Colin De Verdiere, Alain; Mazloff, Matthew; Cornuelle, Bruce.
The North Atlantic is characterized by basin-scale multidecadal fluctuations of the sea surface temperature with periods ranging from 20 to 70 years. One candidate for such a variability is a large-scale baroclinic instability of the temperature gradients across the Atlantic associated with the North Atlantic Current. Because of the long time scales involved, most of the studies devoted to this problem are based on low resolution numerical models leaving aside the effect of explicit meso-scale eddies. How high-frequency motions associated with the meso-scale eddy field affect the basin-scale low-frequency variabiliy is the central question of this study. This issue is addressed using an idealized configuration of an Ocean General Circulation Model at...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Multidecadal variability of the overturning circulation in presence of eddy turbulence ArchiMer
Huck, Thierry; Arzel, Olivier; Sevellec, Florian.
At low-resolution, idealized ocean circulation models forced by prescribed differential surface heat fluxes show spontaneous multidecadal variability depending critically on eddy diffusivity coefficients. The existence of this critical threshold in the range of observational estimates legitimates some doubt on the relevance of such intrinsic oscillations in the real ocean. Through a series of numerical simulations with increasing resolution up to eddy-resolving ones (10 km) and various diapycnal diffusivities, this multidecadal variability proves a generic ubiquitous feature, at least in model versions with a flat bottom. The mean circulation largely changes in the process of refining the horizontal grid (along with the associated implicit viscosity and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Circulation/ Dynamics; Meridional overturning circulation; Rossby waves; Turbulence; Variability; Multidecadal variability.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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North Atlantic Ocean Internal Decadal Variability: Role of the Mean State and Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling ArchiMer
Gastineau, Guillaume; Mignot, Juliette; Arzel, Olivier; Huck, Thierry.
The origin of the decadal variability in the North Atlantic Ocean is investigated in a series of coupled and ocean-only numerical experiments. Two versions of the IPSL-CM5A model are considered, differing only by their atmospheric horizontal resolution (3.75 degrees x1.87 degrees and 2.5 degrees x1.25 degrees). When the ocean model is forced by the climatological surface fluxes from the low atmospheric resolution coupled model version, a 20-year variability emerges, similar to the variability found in the coupled simulation. Such decadal variability is consistent with a large-scale baroclinic instability of the mean flow in the west European basin. Increasing the atmospheric resolution leads to a more intense Icelandic low, which intensifies the western...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate variability; Atlantic Ocean; Atmosphere-ocean general circulation models; Air-sea interactions; Atlantic subpolar gyre; Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Oceanic control of multidecadal variability in an idealized coupled GCM ArchiMer
Jamet, Quentin; Huck, Thierry; Arzel, Olivier; Campin, Jean-michel; De Verdiere, Alain Colin.
Idealized ocean models are known to develop intrinsic multidecadal oscillations of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Here we explore the role of ocean–atmosphere interactions on this low-frequency variability. We use a coupled ocean–atmosphere model set up in a flat-bottom aquaplanet geometry with two meridional boundaries. The model is run at three different horizontal resolutions (4°, 2° and 1°) in both the ocean and atmosphere. At all resolutions, the MOC exhibits spontaneous variability on multidecadal timescales in the range 30–40 years, associated with the propagation of large-scale baroclinic Rossby waves across the Atlantic-like basin. The unstable region of growth of these waves through the long wave limit of baroclinic instability...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic multidecadal oscillation; Air-sea interactions; NAO; Rossby waves; Idealized configuration.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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The Internal Generation of the Atlantic Ocean Interdecadal Variability ArchiMer
Arzel, Olivier; Huck, Thierry; Colin De Verdiere, Alain.
Numerical simulations of a realistic ocean general circulation model forced by prescribed surface fluxes are used to study the origin and structure of intrinsic interdecadal variability of the ocean circulation. When eddy-induced turbulent diffusivities are low enough, spontaneous oscillations of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) with periods O(20) yr and amplitude O(1) Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) emerge. The transition from the steady to the oscillatory regime is shown to be consistent with a supercritical Hopf bifurcation of the horizontal Peclet number. Adding atmospheric thermal damping is shown to have a very limited influence on the domain of existence of intrinsic variability. The spatial structure of the mode consists of a dipole of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Instability; Meridional overturning circulation; Ocean circulation; Planetary waves; Climate variability; Multidecadal variability.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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