Inoue, Hiroshi; Asakawa, Yoshinori; Gradstein, S. Rob. |
Neohattoria Kamim. is a monotypic genus of the Jubulaceae (= Frullaniaceae) with a single species, N. herzogii (Hatt.) Kamim., known from central to northern Japan and the southern part of the Kurile Islands. The present genus was segregated from Frullania by Kamimura (1961; sub. nom. Hattoria Kamim. nom. illeg., non Schust., 1961) on the basis of the branching type, the shape of the first leaf and underleaf on branch, the total lack of secondary pigmentation, the uniform cell structure of the stem in cross section, and the strongly toothed leaf lobes. The generic concept of Neohattoria was greatly expanded by Schuster (1970), who included eight species and classified them into two subgenera, subgen. Neohattoria (with a single species) and subgen.... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1981 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535143 |
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Inoue, Hiroshi; Asakawa, Yoshinori; Gradstein, S. Rob. |
The genus Nipponolejeunea Hattori was established by Hattori (1944) based on Pycnolejemea pilifera Steph. from Japan. Its primary important generic characters include 1) the two gynoecial innovations, 2) the triplicate perianth, and 3) the long cilia on leaf- and underleaf-margin. Hattori (1944) also assigned Pycnolejeunea subalpina Horik. to Nipponolejeunea, thus admitting two Japanese species in that genus. Since then, the genus Nipponolejeunea has been repeatedly discussed, especially by Mizutani (1961) and Schuster (1963) from taxonomic points of view. The branching and innovation types of Nipponolejeunea were described by Mizutani (1970); Inoue (1976) proposed the subgeneric separation of the two species, as subgen. Nipponolejeunea (with N. pilifera)... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1981 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535230 |
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Metoyer, Benjamin; Lebouvier, Nicolas; Hnawia, Edouard; Herbette, Gaetan; Thouvenot, Louis; Asakawa, Yoshinori; Nour, Mohammed; Raharivelomanana, Phila. |
Volatile components of seven species of the Bazzanioideae sub-family (Lepidoziaceae) native to New Caledonia, including three endemic species (Bazzania marginata, Acromastigum caledonicum and A. tenax), were analyzed by GC-FID-MS in order to index these plants to known or new chemotypes. Detected volatile constituents in studied species were constituted mainly by sesquiterpene, as well as diterpene compounds. All so-established compositions cannot successfully index some of them to known chemotypes but afforded the discovery of new chemotypes such as cuparane/fusicoccane. The major component of B. francana was isolated and characterized as a new zierane-type sesquiterpene called ziera-12(13), 10(14)-dien-5-ol (23). In addition, qualitative intraspecies... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Liverwort; Bazzania; Acromastigum; Sesquiterpene; Diterpene; Bis(bibenzyl); Biosynthesis; Zierane; Vittatin. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00660/77222/78670.pdf |
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Gradstein, S. Rob; Matsuda, Reiko; Asakawa, Yoshinori. |
Data on structure and chemistry of oil bodies are being provided for twenty species of leafy Hepaticae, most of them belonging to Lejeuneaceae. Oil bodies are described as new for Symbiezidium, which stands out among Lejeuneaceae by its large, Bazzania-type oil bodies. The observed occurence of segmented as well as homogeneous oil bodies in Archilejeunea and Dicranolejeunea constitutes a further break-down of what was generally considered a stable generic character in Lejeuneaceae. Detected chemical compounds include a large number of unidentified terpenoids. Sesquiterpene lactones, traditionally considered important chemical markers for Frullaniaceae, were newly detected in Lepicolea (Lepicoleaceae), Clasmatocolea (Lophocoleaceae) and Omphalanthus... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1981 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535144 |
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