Ashton, P.S.; Arboretum, Arnold. |
Small or large resinous usually evergreen trees, usually buttressed, and often (if large trees) with flaky or fissured bark. Some or most parts with a tomentum of fascicled hairs, or sometimes single hairs, unicellular or multicellular glandular hairs, or multicellular, short or long lobed or peltate hairs. Leaves alternate, simple, margin entire or sinuate, not crenate, terminating ± abruptly at the ± prominent geniculate petiole, penninerved (in Dryobalanops and some Hopea nerves ~, dense and slender), often with domatia in axils between nerves and midrib or along midrib and (rarely) nerves; tertiary nerves scalariform or reticulate. Stipules paired, large or small, persistent or fugaceous, leaving small to amplexicaul scars. Inflorescence paniculate,... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1979 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/532631 |
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Ashton, P.S.. |
The taxonomy of the largely endemic dipterocarp flora of Ceylon is brought into line with that of the rest of the Asiatic subfamily, and a new species is described. Stemonoporus lewisianus Trimen ex Hook. f. finds its correct place at last in Cotylelobium. Balanocarpus brevipetiolaris (Thw.) Alston is transferred to Hopea. Shorea pallescens Ashton (sect., subsect., Shoreae) is described for the first time. Shorea stipularis Thw. is ascribed to sect. Anthoshorea Heim. Doona Thw. is reduced, as a separate section, to Shorea Roxb. ex Gaertn.f., necessitating 7 new combinations and 3 new names. Doona oblonga Thw. is united with Doona disticha (Thw.) Pierre under the name Shorea disticha (Thw.) Ashton. Doona nervosa Thw. is reduced to Doona cordifolia Thw., now... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1972 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/525098 |
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Ashton, P.S.. |
Taxonomists working with material collected by the Sarawak Forest Department have often been hard put to decide how to quote numbers. Is the departmental series number preceeded by a letter S, or an F, or would it be best to quote only the collector and the number? I have tried to unravel the history of the Sarawak Forest Department herbarium number series in order to provide a guide to unequivocal citation. This has not been easy, as all collecting books previous to 1951 have disappeared, apparently during the second world war; many of the herbarium collections are now missing at Kuching and Kepong, where most were distributed, for the same reasons, though there seem also to have been large gaps in the series where numbers were never used. What has... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1966 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/533345 |
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