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Overlooked habitat of a vulnerable gorgonian revealed in the Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic by ecological niche modelling ArchiMer
Ruela Boavida, Joana; Assis, Jorge; Silva, Inga; Serrao, Ester A..
Factors shaping the distribution of mesophotic octocorals (30-200 m depth) remain poorly understood, potentially leaving overlooked coral areas, particularly near their bathymetric and geographic distributional limits. Yet, detailed knowledge about habitat requirements is crucial for conservation of sensitive gorgonians. Here we use Ecological Niche Modelling (ENM) relating thirteen environmental predictors and a highly comprehensive presence dataset, enhanced by SCUBA diving surveys, to investigate the suitable habitat of an important structuring species, Paramuricea clavata, throughout its distribution (Mediterranean and adjacent Atlantic). Models showed that temperature (11.5-25.5 degrees C) and slope are the most important predictors carving the niche...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Trends and drivers of marine fish landings in Portugal since its entrance in the European Union ArchiMer
Bueno-pardo, Juan; Pierce, Graham J; Cabecinha, Edna; Grilo, Catarina; Assis, Jorge; Valavanis, Vasilis; Pita, Cristina; Dubert, Jesus-pedreira; Leitão, Francisco; Queiroga, Henrique.
Marine landings in Portugal have decreased at a higher rate than fishing effort in the last 20 years. Identifying the variables driving the quantity and composition of landings is pivotal to understand the dynamics of the fisheries sector, which entails complex social and environmental aspects. In this study, we investigate the main drivers of marine fish landings in continental Portugal between 1989 and 2014. To identify common trends in time series, and quantify the importance of environmental factors, we applied a dynamic factor analysis considering four regions and three types of gear (trawling, purse-seine, and a multi-gear fishery). Our results show the importance of fishing effort as the most relevant factor driving marine landings in Portugal, both...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fisheries; Landings; Landings per unit effort; Portugal; Purse-seine; Trawling.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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