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Balanced harvest in the real world. Scientific, policy and operational issues in an ecosystem approach to fisheries 5
Garcia, Serge M.; Bianchi, Gabriella; Charles, Anthony; Kolding, Jeppe; Rice, Jake; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Zhou, Shijie; Delius, Gustav; Reid, David; Van Zwieten, Paul A. M.; Atcheson, Megan; Bartley, Devin; Borges, Lisa; Bundy, Alida; Dagorn, Laurent; Dunn, Daniel C.; Hall, Martin; Heino, Mikko; Jacobsen, Brigitte; Jacobsen, Nis S.; Law, Richard; Makino, Mitsutaku; Martin, Felix; Skern-mauritzen, Mette; Suuronen, Petri; Symons, Despina.
The concept of the Ecosystem Approach has entered the fishery harvesting discussions both from fishery perspectives (Reykjavik Declaration; FAO 2003 Annex to the Code of Conduct and from the principles of the Ecosystem Approach adopted by the CBD in 1995. Both perspectives establish the need to maintain ecosystem structure and functioning, whether for sustainable use of biodiversity (CBD) or simply to keep exploited ecosystems healthy and productive (fisheries). In response, the “Balanced Harvest” (BH) concept was suggested by a group of scientists brought together by the IUCN Fisheries Experts Group during the CBD CoP 10 in 2010. The meeting and the BH concept as consolidated there highlighted some of the collateral ecological effects of current fishing...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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