Registros recuperados: 16 | |
Buestel, Dominique; Nicolas, R.; Morize, E.; Rohan, R.; Latrouite, Daniel; Le Borgne, Y.; Cochard, Jean-claude; Flassch, Jean-pierre; Uno, Yutaka; Audouin, Jacques; Legall, J.y.; Jezequel, M.; Lorec, J.; Henocque, Yves; Reveche, C.; Girin, Michel; Laurec, Alain; Herry, P.. |
L'aquaculture extensive et le repeuplement sont deux modes d'exploitation des ressources halieutiques qui ne font appel, une fois les juvéniles produits, ni à un apport de nourriture artificielle, ni à un contrôle continu de la part de l'exploitant, mais dépendent par contre de la productivité du milieu marin, Cette approche repose sur l'idée que le principal facteur limitant d'une population naturelle est le faible nombre de survivants après les premiers stades, et que l'on peut par alevinage, aménagement du milieu ou autres techniques, augmenter la production d'une espèce exploitable, Le but de ces journées d'étude est de faire le point des connaissances sur ces sujets, à l'intention des scientifiques mais aussi des utilisateurs, Il a paru souhaitable de... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1979 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00018/12941/9907.pdf |
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Audouin, Jacques. |
Some aspects of the biology and of the ecology of larvae and post-larvae of lobster (Homarus sp) are summarized in order to illustrate the purposes of retocking trials carried out on each side of the Atlantic Ocean. Canadian and American experiments are analysed : the conclusions that can be drawn as well as those that cannot be drawn from these experiments are discussed. Present methods of rearing used in U.S.A., Canada and France, and the main problems (prevention of cannibalism, nutrition, diseases, etc.) are discussed. Results of American and French research carried out in order to obtain animals witch special morphological characteristics are given. These animals could be utilised for assessing the impact of restocking attempts |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. |
Ano: 1979 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1979/publication-6045.pdf |
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Letaconnoux, Robert; Audouin, Jacques. |
The scallop Chlamys varia L. is a common shellfish of the Atlantic coast, a little rarer in the English Channel. It forms large banks in the roadstead of Brest and in the area of La Rochelle, along the north-eastern coast of the Isle of Ré, as well as between the Isle of Oléron and the continent. Some very depopulated banks can still be found in the Arcachon Bay and in some parts of the Mediterranean coast.Near La Rochelle, scallops are fished by boats using drags with an opening of 1 m and a round leading edge. It is limited to two hours per day from November to March, in order to protect the stocks. Sixty to eighty small motor boats or sardine boats take part in this fishery, catching around 800 tonnes per year, that is to say half the production of the... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1956 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1956/publication-4665.pdf |
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Audouin, Jacques; De Kergariou, Gabriel. |
Over the last decades, the fishing effort focused on crustaceans and especially on the lobster has continued to increase. This way, the number of pots used by each boat has grown from a few dozen to several hundred. This process lead to an overexploitation of the seabed and the catches do not go over 400 tonnes/years despite the increase of the means involved. Consequently, it has been necessary to implement a number of new measures to protect the lobster stock, and some restricted areas have been created off the French coasts. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Homard; Crustacés; Ecloserie; Reproduction; Repeuplement. |
Ano: 1977 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1977/acte-6578.PDF |
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Audouin, Jacques; Campillo, Albert; Fouilland, Robert; Gueguen, Tanguy. |
We know that in France, lobster fishing is experiencing a crisis due to excessive exploitation of all productive sites. To try to re-establish some balance, the Scientific and Technical Institute of Maritime Fisheries has contemplated acclimatizing a particularly hardy and fertile lobster that would be likely to offset the thinning of the indigenous lobster stock. It is a southern lobster, Jasus lalandei MILNE-EDWARDS 1837 that inhabits the Atlantic coasts of South Africa. To that end, we have, for more than two years, performed systematic breeding of this crustacean in aquariums in order to understand its resistance to environmental variations and to observe its ability to adapt in French waters. It is the results of this series of experiments done at the... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1969 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1969/publication-3168.pdf |
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Audouin, Jacques. |
The Thau Lagoon, a lagoon that stretches over 7 500 ha, used to be connected to the sea via "graus" (channels) that are now closed. During the 17th century, the canals were dug that provide access to the Mediterranean Sea at Sète. Their width and depth, modified several times, reach 60 m and 9 m, respectively. It is important to understand how these modifications changed the hydrology of the Thau Lagoon.... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1962 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1962/publication-4244.pdf |
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Audouin, Jacques. |
Appreciated since ancient times, the sea bream Chrysophrys aurata (Linnaeus) [syn. Sparus aurata] has been much studied. Rondelet (1558) began his description of fish with the sea bream because, he writes, "it is well known by all and praised by the elders. It is a marine fish that haunts the shores, sometimes entering lagoons, where it matures."... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1962 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1962/publication-4245.pdf |
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Audouin, Jacques. |
Plusieurs auteurs, en particulier Faideau, Bluteau, Lambert, Dubreuil, etc... ont déjà donné de nombreux détails sur la mytiliculture et sur les bouchots à moules de la Baie de l'Aiguillon. Afin que cette note donne une vue d'ensemble sur la mytiliculture, nous avons été amenés à reprendre et à résumer les données exposées par eux. Nous avons, en outre, ajouté certains détails de la technique employée par les boucholeurs. Nous nous sommes efforcés d'apprécier l'évolution qui s'est manifestée depuis une trentaine d'années. Cette étude comprend deux parties principales : Origine et forme des bouchot - Mode d'exploitation. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Mytiliculture; Baie Aiguillon; Histoire; Bouchot; Croissance; Moule. |
Ano: 1954 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00003/11464/8024.pdf |
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Audouin, Jacques; Campillo, Albert; Leglise, Michel. |
In order to protect the lobster and crayfish stock, the following restricted areas have been created off the French coasts [...] Some roed females (lobster and crayfish) have been immersed in these protected areas with the financial help of the Revival Scheme of the Marine Fisheries. The Scientific and Technical Institute of Marine Fisheries (Roscoff laboratory) has carried out the individual marking, measuring and weighing of the crustaceans selected for the repopulation and took part in the immersing the spawners in the following protected areas [...] During the recaptures, the markings collected from the fishermen by the marine authorities have been forwarded to the Roscoff laboratory. Thanks to the gathered data, we have been able to draw a number of... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1971 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1971/publication-6663.pdf |
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Audouin, Jacques. |
Depuis l'invention en 1878 par NEGRETTI et ZAMBRA du thermomètre à renversement, universellement employé aujourd'hui par les océanographes, plusieurs tentatives ont été faites pour mettre au point des appareils destinés à la mesure électrique des températures de l'eau de mer à diverses profondeurs. Citons l'appareil de SIEMENS basé sur la variation de résistance électrique d'un fil avec la température, le sondeur thermo-électrique de LABOUREUR, le thermomètre enregistreur de REGNARD et enfin les thermomètres imaginés par IDRAC. L'un de ceux conçus par IDRAC était basé comme celui de SIEMENS sur l'emploi d'un pont de Wheatstone accouplé à une résistance variant avec la température. Le développement rapide de certaines industries au cours de ces dernières... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1959 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1959/publication-4494.pdf |
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Audouin, Jacques. |
The study of the fauna and flora in a pond requires a good knowledge of this environment's physico-chemical conditions. Gourret (1897), Pavillard (1905), Sudry (1911), then more recently Mathias and Tcherniakofsky (1932), Fatemi (1938), Tuzet (1947) and J. Escot-Molinie (1955) provided information on the temperature, salinity, density, PH, etc. of one of the largest ponds of the lower Languedoc, that of Thau. However, for a century, the water exchange between the pond and the Mediterranean Sea has often differed. These changes (the most recent ones being among the most interesting) have modified its hydrology. This is one of the main reasons which lead us to carry out this study. This study which started at the end of winter 1954-1955 is still in process,... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1957/publication-4657.pdf |
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Audouin, Jacques; Maurin, Claude. |
In 1957, some fishermen from Bages (Aude) informed one of us of the occasional presence in their pond of fishes they thought to be trouts.A few months later on April 7th, 1958, they sent us two specimens belonging, without any doubt, to the genus Salmo, and caught with a fixed net.Shortly after, on May 21st, in Villeroi, near Sète, two similar fishes were caught along the beach with a seine net. On the same day, another fish was caught with a line in the Sète canal.The next day, a trawler from Sète, the "Yvonne~Marie~Rose", caught the same type of salmonid between the Pointe des Aresquiers and Palavas, about 7 miles off the coast, in waters 40 to 45 m deep.It is not the first time fishes belonging to the genus Salmo have been caught in this area, but... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1958 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1958/publication-4636.pdf |
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Audouin, Jacques. |
La présente note n'émane aucunement d'un savant ou d'un spécialiste, mais d'un profane. Il ne faut donc pas y chercher d'explications scientifiques, telles qu'on en trouvera, au contraire, dans la documentation rapportée par lui et indiquée en fin de la présente note. Celle-ci est uniquement le compte rendu de choses vues par l'auteur ou d'explications à lui données lors d'un séjour d'assez longue durée aux Etats-Unis, motivé par des préoccupations techniques toutes différentes. Frappé de la grande consommation d'huîtres et de leur bas prix, l'auteur consacra de très rares loisirs à étudier un peu les causes de ce développement et les méthodes employées, et recueillit une documentation sur le sujet. Mais, n'étant pas spécialiste, et ayant d'autres... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1923 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00016/12746/9678.pdf |
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Audouin, Jacques. |
PRÉLIMINAIRES : Appelé à faire des recherches sur les poissons et les mollusques des étangs méditerranéens et les possibilités qu'offrait leur exploitation, j'ai été amené à définir les caractéristiques physico-chimiques des eaux qui constituent leur habitat, L'intérêt d'une telle étude m'est apparu dès le début, lorsque la bibliographie m'a montré que, si un certain nombre de questions biologiques concernant la faune et la flore avaient été abordées, aucune étude générale du milieu hydrologique n'avait encore été faite. C'est donc vers les conditions météorologiques, courantométriques, hydrologiques que j'ai orienté mes recherches, poursuivies pendant cinq années consécutives de 1955 à 1959 grâce aux moyens matériels mis à ma disposition par l'Institut... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1962 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00060/17090/14603.pdf |
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Euzet, Louis; Audouin, Jacques. |
We believe that this parasite, despite the presence of just one squamodisc, belongs to family Dactylogyridae, subfamily Diplectanidae. This subfamily is defined as follows: Dactylogyridae possessing haptor with 14 marginal hooks and two pairs of large J-shaped anchors joined by two, three or five transverse bars. Sclerotised accessory organs (squamodiscs) on the body anterior to the haptor. Testis. Vagina observed. This subfamily currently comprises eight genera that all have two squamodiscs, one dorsal and one ventral, anterior to the haptor.... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1959 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1959/publication-4498.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 16 | |