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Imagerie LiDAR du socle hercynien immergé de l’archipel de Molène, Ouest Massif Armoricain. Evidence d’un duplex ductile décrochant et d’intrusions syntectoniques ArchiMer
Le Gall, Bernard; Authemayou, Christine; Ehrhold, Axel.
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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LiDAR offshore structural mapping and U/Pb zircon/monazite dating of Variscan strain in the Leon metamorphic domain, NW Brittany ArchiMer
Le Gall, Bernard; Authemayou, Christine; Ehrhold, Axel; Paquette, Jean-louis; Bussien, Denise; Chazot, Gilles; Aouizerat, Arthur; Pastol, Yves.
An exceptional structural picture of the immerged Variscan basement, offshore the Leon metamorphic domain, is supplied by high-resolution LiDAR and echosounder data recorded in the Molene archipelago, western Brittany (France). Various types of fabrics are identified and, from in situ rock sample analyses further combined with field structural data, are interpreted on a lineament trajectory map as the trace of magmatic and tectonic structures. Our onshore/offshore study leads us to propose a two-phase kinematic model that emphasizes the role of a strike-slip duplex in an EW-trending relay zone linking the North Armorican and Pierres Noires ductile shear zones (NASZ, PNSZ). Dextral shearing occurred within a transtensional setting, synchronously with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Armorican massif; Leon metamorphic domain; Offshore structural mapping; LiDAR records; Dextral ductile shearing; U/Pb zircon/monazite dating.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Middle Pleistocene seismically induced clay diapirism in an intraplate zone, western Brittany, France ArchiMer
Van Vliet-lanoe, Brigitte; Authemayou, Christine; Molliex, Stephane; Field, Michael Hugh; Frechen, Manfred; Le Roy, Pascal; Perrot, Julie; Andrieu-ponel, Valerie; Gregoire, Gwendoline; Hallegouet, Bernard.
The Brittany region of France is located in a low seismicity intraplate zone. Most of the instrumented earthquakes are limited to a shallow crustal depth without surface rupture. A paleoseismological analysis was performed on deposits on the Crozon Peninsula and in the Elorn estuary. We highlight hydroplastic deformations induced by liquefaction leading to clay diapirism, which were likely triggered by past earthquakes. This diapirism seems to be frequent in continental nonconsolidated sediments and to develop on the inherited tectonic structures, when a shallow water table and confining layers exist. Timing of deformation is dated using paleoenvironmental data, and electron spin resonance and infrared-stimulated luminescence dating methods. Two seismic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Clay diapirism; Liquefaction; Earthquake; Saprolite; Brittany; Variscan structures; Paleoseismology; Intraplate; Middle Pleistocene.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Miocene detachment faulting predating EPR propagation: Southern Baja California ArchiMer
Bot, Anna; Geoffroy, Laurent; Authemayou, Christine; Bellon, Herve; Graindorge, David; Pik, Raphael.
At the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula, we characterize the onshore structures and kinematics associated with crustal necking leading up to the Pliocene breakup and early East Pacific Rise seafloor spreading. From a combination of tectonic field investigations, K-Ar and cosmogenic isotope dating and geomorphology, we propose that the Los Cabos block represents the exhumed footwall of a major detachment fault. This north trending detachment fault is marked by a conspicuous low-dipping brittle-ductile shear zone showing a finite displacement with top to the SE ending to the ESE. This major feature is associated with fluid circulations which led to rejuvenation of the deformed Cretaceous magmatic rocks at a maximum of 17.5Ma. The detachment...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Relations between basalts and adakitic-felsic intrusive bodies in a soft-substrate environment: the South Ouessant Visean basin in the Variscan belt, Armorican Massif, France ArchiMer
Caroff, Martial; Le Gall, Bernard; Authemayou, Christine; Grosjean, Denise Bussien; Labry, Cyrill; Guillong, Marcel.
The metasedimentary and magmatic terranes in the southern part of the Ouessant Island (Western Brittany, France) are the offshore prolongation of the Leon Variscan metamorphic domain. They mainly consist of micaschists and subordinate amphibolitic lenses (meta-pillow lavas and volcaniclastic successions) cut by a swarm of trondhjemite sills, together with a large porphyritic monzogranite body, newly dated at 336 Ma, and later syeno-leucogranitic intrusions. A large spectrum of fluidal peperites, including spectacular "fiamme"-bearing breccias, is observable at the contact between metasediments and most of the intrusives. The coexistence of amphibolitized basalts, adakitic trondhjemites, and peraluminous granites in the inferred South Ouessant basin is...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Tectonique extensive tertiaire à l’extrémité occidentale du Massif armoricain. Les blocs tiltés d’Ouessant et de Molène ArchiMer
Le Gall, Bernard; Ehrhold, Axel; Authemayou, Christine.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Wrench-Related Dome Formation and Subsequent Orogenic Syntax Bending in a Hot Orogen (Variscan Ibero-Armorican Arc, the Ouessant Island, France) ArchiMer
Authemayou, Christine; Le Gall, Bernard; Caroff, Martial; Bussien Grosjean, Denise.
During the Carboniferous collision stage, the West European Variscan orogen was affected by oblique convergence, wrenching, plate-scale oroclinal bending, and widespread exhumation of the deep crust. One of these exhumed units forms the Leon dome located on the northern flank of the Ibero-Armorican Arc in the western part of the Armorican massif. Structural field data from the Ouessant Island reveal kinematic changes between 330 and 300 Ma that affected the northwestern margin of the Leon dome. This margin underwent two ductile deformation phases with opposite strike-slip shear senses. Dextral strike-slip wrenching combined with orogen-normal shortening, orogen-parallel stretching, and local top-to-the-NE shearing occurred during the Leon dome formation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Variscan; Armorican massif; Gneiss dome formation; Wrenching; Orogenic syntax; Ouessant Island.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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