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Multi-isotope approach of Pb, Cu and Zn in urban aerosols and anthropogenic sources improves tracing of the atmospheric pollutant sources in megacities 5
Souto-oliveira, C. E.; Babinski, M.; Ferreira Araujo, Daniel; Weiss, D. J.; Ruiz, I. R..
Studies including multiple isotope systems in aerosols promises unparalleled insights into sources and pathways of metals in the atmosphere. However, such studies remain rare because of the challenges associated with small sample sizes and low analyte masses of the target elements. Here, we present the first study combining accurate and precise determination of Pb, Cu and Zn isotopic ratios in aerosols and anthropogenic materials collected in São Paulo, Brazil. We use a sequential ion chromatography procedure with two different resins for the separation and purification of the analytes. Multi collector mass spectrometry is used for the accurate and precise determination of the isotope ratios. Long term analytical reproducibilities are ±0.035 for...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Multi-isotope systems Ion exchange chromatography Pb; Cu; Zn isotopes Non-traditional isotopes Aerosol Reference material Urban pollution Atmosphere Source tracing.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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