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A two-step process for the reflooding of the Mediterranean after the Messinian Salinity Crisis ArchiMer
Bache, Francois; Popescu, Speranta-maria; Rabineau, Marina; Gorini, Christian; Suc, Jean-pierre; Clauzon, Georges; Olivet, Jean-louis; Rubino, Jean-loup; Melinte-dobrinescu, Mihaela Carmen; Estrada, Ferran; Londeix, Laurent; Armijo, Rolando; Meyer, Bertrand; Jolivet, Laurent; Jouannic, Gwenael; Leroux, Estelle; Aslanian, Daniel; Dos Reis, Antonio Tadeu; Mocochain, Ludovic; Dumurdzanov, Nikola; Zagorchev, Ivan; Lesic, Vesna; Tomic, Dragana; Cagatay, M. Namik; Brun, Jean_pierre; Sokoutis, Dimitrios; Csato, Istvan; Ucarkus, Gulsen; Cakir, Ziyadin.
The Messinian Salinity Crisis is well known to have resulted from a significant drop of the Mediterranean sea level. Considering both onshore and offshore observations, the subsequent reflooding is generally thought to have been very sudden. We present here offshore seismic evidence from the Gulf of Lions and re-visited onshore data from Italy and Turkey that lead to a new concept of a two-step reflooding of the Mediterranean Basin after the Messinian Salinity Crisis. The refilling was first moderate and relatively slow accompanied by transgressive ravinement, and later on very rapid, preserving the subaerial Messinian Erosional Surface. The amplitude of these two successive rises of sea level has been estimated at =500 similar to m for the first rise and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Paleo environmental changes; Miocene pliocene boundary; Section marche province; Earliest zanclean age; Desiccated deep basin; Di tetto formations; Northern apennines; Southern France; Decic basin; Depositional environments.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Deepwater sedimentation and Cenozoic deformation in the Southern New Caledonia Trough (Northern Zealandia, SW Pacific) ArchiMer
Etienne, S.; Collot, Julien; Sutherland, R.; Patriat, Martin; Bache, Francois; Rouillard, P.; Henrys, S.; Barker, D.; Juan, C..
The New Caledonia Trough (NCT) is a 2000–3000 m deep bathymetric feature that extends 2500 km from Taranaki, New Zealand, to the western margin of New Caledonia (Northern Zealandia, SW Pacific). The underlying sedimentary basin originates from Cretaceous extension, but underwent a significant Eocene tectonic event that shaped its present physiography. We present an analysis of the basin based on multibeam data, seismic profiles and rock samples collected on the TAN1312 and TAN1409 Expeditions onboard R/V Tangaroa, combined with legacy data. We focus on the southern part of the basin, where new data reveal a link between compressive deformation of Paleocene strata and their potential reworking into the basin. On the western basin side, Upper Cretaceous to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zealandia; New Caledonia Trough; Deepwater basin; Syn-tectonic deposition; Submarine canyon; Sediment waves.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Evolution of rifted continental margins: The case of the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean Basin) ArchiMer
Bache, Francois; Olivet, Jean-louis; Gorini, Christian; Aslanian, Daniel; Labails, Cinthia; Rabineau, Marina.
The formation of rifted continental margins has long been explained by numerous physical models. However, field observations are still lacking to validate or constrain these models. This study presents major new observations on the broad continental margin of the Gulf of Lions, based on a large amount of varied data. Two contrasting regions characterize the thinned continental crust of this margin. One of these regions corresponds to a narrow rift zone (40–50 km wide) that was highly thinned and stretched during rifting. In contrast with this domain, a large part of the margin subsided slowly during rifting and then rapidly after rifting. The thinning of this domain cannot be explained by stretching of the upper crust. We can thus recognize a zonation of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Subsidence; Passive margins; Back-arc; Rifting; Erosion; Stretching; Thinning; Western Mediterranean; Gulf of Lions.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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High resolution evolution of terrigenous sediment yields in the Provence Basin during the last 6 Ma: relation with climate and tectonics ArchiMer
Leroux, Estelle; Rabineau, Marina; Aslanian, Daniel; Gorini, Christian; Molliex, Stephane; Bache, Francois; Robin, Cecile; Droz, Laurence; Moulin, Maryline; Poort, Jeffrey; Rubino, Jean-loup; Suc, Jean-pierre.
Basin-wide correlation of Messinian units and Plio-Quaternary chronostratigraphic markers (5.3 Ma, 2.6 Ma, 0.9 Ma and 0.45 Ma), the mapping of total sediment thickness and the determination of overall sedimentary volumes enabled us to provide a high-resolution quantitative history of sediment volumes for the last 6 Ma along the Gulf of Lions margin. The results point to (i) a dramatic increase in terrigenous sediment input during the Messinian Salinity Crisis. This increased sedimentation reflects enhanced regional fluvial erosion related to the dramatic fall of Mediterranean base-level. Stronger weathering due to a regional wetter climate probably also increased erosional fluxes. (ii) A sediment input three times higher during the Plio-Quaternary compared...
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Ano: 2017 URL:
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La crise de la salinité messinienne dans le Golfe du Lion : de la marge érodée au bassin évaporitique ArchiMer
Bache, Francois; Gorini, C; Olivet, Jean-louis; Rabineau, Marina; Aslanian, Daniel; Baztan, Juan; Moulin, Maryline.
The Messinian erosional surface that can be observed on the Mediterranean margins is a good marker of the relative lowering of the sea level which happened during the Messinian salinity crisis. The estimate of the volume of Miocene sediments on the Gulf of Lion platform gives a minimum eroded volume of 5 300 Km . The eroded layer reaches one kilometre in numerous places (Figures 2 and 3). This volume demonstrates the erosion of the continental shelf in the Gulf of Lion and does not include the eroded volumes in the Rhone valley, the surroundings of the Gulf of Lion and on the slope. Thus, this minimum eroded volume is logically transferred towards the basin.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Messinian erosional and salinity crises: View from the Provence Basin (Gulf of Lions, Western Mediterranean) ArchiMer
Bache, Francois; Olivet, Jean-louis; Gorini, Christian; Rabineau, Marina; Baztan, Juan; Aslanian, Daniel; Suc, Jean-pierre.
Though the late Miocene "Messinian Salinity Crisis" has been intensely researched along the circum-Mediterranean basins, few studies have focused on the central part of the Mediterranean Basin and, especially, the pre-salt deposits. To improve our knowledge of the Messinian events, it is imperative to better understand this domain. In this study, we provide a more complete understanding of this central domain in the Provence Basin. We were able to recognize: a) thick marine detrital series (up to 1000 m) derived from the Messinian subaerial erosion which is partly prolongated in the distal part by b) a thick unit of deep marine deposits (up to 800 m) prior to the evaporites; c) a thick presumed alternation of detritals and evaporites (1500 m) below the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Erosion; Detrital deposits; Miocene; Provence Basin; Mediterranean; Gulf of Lions; Salinity Crisis; Messinian.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Messinian evaporite deposition during sea level rise in the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean) ArchiMer
Bache, Francois; Gargani, Julien; Suc, Jean-pierre; Gorini, Christian; Rabineau, Marina; Popescu, Speranta-maria; Leroux, Estelle; Do Couto, Damien; Jouannic, Gwenael; Rubino, Jean-loup; Olivet, Jean-louis; Clauzon, Georges; Dos Reis, Antonio Tadeu; Aslanian, Daniel.
The Messinian Salinity Crisis resulted from desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea after its isolation from the Atlantic Ocean at the end of the Miocene. Stratal geometry tied to borehole data in the Gulf of Lions show that the pre-crisis continental shelf has been eroded during a major sea-level fall and that sediments from this erosion have been deposited in the basin. This detrital package is onlapped by high amplitude seismic reflectors overlain by the “Messinian Salt” and the “Upper Evaporites”. Towards the shelf, the transition between regressive deposits and overlying onlapping sediments is characterised by a wave-ravinement surface, suggesting that a significant part of the onlapping reflectors and overlying Messinian Evaporites were deposited during...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Messinian; Mediterranean; Gulf of Lions; Seismic stratigraphy; Evaporites.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Post-rift evolution of the Gulf of Lion margin tested by stratigraphic modelling ArchiMer
Leroux, Estelle; Rabineau, Marina; Aslanian, Daniel; Gorini, Christian; Bache, Francois; Moulin, Maryline; Pellen, Romain; Granjeon, Didier; Rubino, Jean-loup.
The sedimentary architecture of basins and passive margins is determined by a complex interaction of parameters, including subsidence, eustasy, and sediment supply. A quantification of the post-rift (20 Ma-0 Ma) vertical movements of the Gulf of Lion (West Mediterranean) is proposed here based on the stratigraphic study of sedimentary paleomarkers using a large 3D grid of reflection seismic data, correlations with existing drillings, and refraction data. Post-rift subsidence was measured by the direct use of sedimentary geometries analysed in 3D and validated by numerical stratigraphic modelling. Three domains of subsidence were found: on the continental shelf and slope, subsidence corresponds to a seaward tilting with different amplitudes, whereas the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modélisations stratigraphiques; Stratigraphie sismique; Golfe du Lion; Post-Rift subsidence; Crise de salinité messinienne; Processus profonds et superficiels; Stratigraphic modelling; Seismic stratigraphy; Gulf of Lion; Post-rift subsidence; Messinian salinity crisis; Deep and surface processes.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Structure and evolution of the Gulf of Lions: The Sardinia seismic experiment and the GOLD (Gulf of Lions Drilling) project ArchiMer
Aslanian, Daniel; Moulin, Maryline; Schnurle, Philippe; Klingelhoefer, Fraucke; Leroux, Estelle; Rabineau, Marina; Gailler, Audrey; Bache, Francois; Gorini, Christian; Kuroda, J.; Eguchi, N.; Droxler, Andre W.; Alain, Karine; Roure, François; Haq, B..
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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