Registros recuperados: 16 | |
Steffan, Philipp; Borgen, Anders; Backes, Gunter; Rasmussen, Søren K.. |
Common bunt, caused by Tilletia caries and T. foetida, is a fungal disease of wheat world wide. Infection, occurring via seed borne teliospores, is generally controlled by the application of seed treatments prior to sowing. Farming systems like organic agriculture with a very limited range of organic seed treatments available rely heavily on common bunt resistance genes within wheat. In the framework of the BIOBREED project an association study in winter wheat was conducted, aiming at the identification of genetic loci linked to resistance towards common bunt in wheat. 152 European wheat cultivars were phenotyped for their resistance reaction for the two consecutive years 2011/12 at Agrologica research station at Mariager. Infection was scored as percent... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Breeding; Genetics and propagation. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34192/3/biotech2013_34192.pdf |
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Steffan, Philipp; Borgen, Anders; Backes, Gunter; Rasmussen, Søren K.. |
Utilising diverse populations instead of single line varieties is expected to lead to a number of advantages in cereal production. These include reduced epidemics of plant diseases, improved weed competition and better exploitation of soil nutrients, resulting in improved yield stability. However, a number of challenges must be met before diverse wheat populations can be introduced into commercial wheat production: one of these is the development of breeding technologies based on mass selection which enable breeders and farmers to improve specific traits in populations and maintain diversity at the same time. BIOBREED is a project started in Denmark in 2011 to meet these challenges for wheat population breeding. The project is focusing on the development... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Breeding; Genetics and propagation. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34193/3/Abstract_Biobreed_Birmingham_2013_34193.pdf |
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Orabi, Jihad; Backes, Gunter; Wolday, Asmelash; Yahyaoui, Amor; Jahoor, Ahmed. |
According to a widely accepted theory on barley domestication, wild barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum) from the Fertile Crescent is the progenitor of all cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare). In order to determine whether barley has undergone According to a widely accepted theory on barley domestication, wild barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum) from the Fertile Crescent is the progenitor of all cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare). To determine whether barley has undergone one or more domestication events, barley accessions from three continents have been studied (a) using 38 nuclear SSR (nuSSRs) markers, (b) using five chloroplast SSR (cpSSR) markers yielding 5 polymorphic loci and (c) by detecting the differences in a... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Breeding; Genetics and propagation. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/10750/1/10750.pdf |
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Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Østergård, Hanne; Willas, Jakob; Nielsen, Niels Erik; Hansen, Preben Klarskov; Hovmøller, Mogens; Backes, Gunter. |
Gennemgang af hvad en god vårbygsort er for økologisk jordbrug. Sortsvalg, udbytte, sortsblandinger, næringsstofoptagelse, ukrudtskonkurrenceevne, sygdomsrobusthed, molekulære markører. |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Breeding; Genetics and propagation. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/3435/1/3435.pdf |
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Baresel, Jörg Peter; Backes, Gunter; Bülow, L.; Finckh, Maria R.; Frese, L.; Knapp, Samuel; Möller, Detlev; Reents, Hans Jürgen; Siegmeier, Torsten; Simon, R.; Weedon, Odette. |
Increasing yield instability due to climate change could be mitigated by higher interand intra crop diversity. During the course of the INSUSFAR project, several questions regarding the impact of more diverse crops on agricultural systems are adressed. To answer these questions, varieties, mixtures, and composite cross populations of wheat will be investigated in field experiments and on-farm. Based on the results, the socio-economic, ecological and yield performance of these varieties and the extent of genetic changes in genetically diverse populations will be tested. In addition, effects of plant breeding on the adaption of varieties to different input levels will be analysed. |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Breeding; Genetics and propagation. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/31618/1/Innovative%20Approaches%20to%20Optimize%20Genetic%20Diversity%20for.pdf |
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Steffan, Philipp; Torp, Anna-Maria; Borgen, Anders; Backes, Gunter. |
Increasing organic wheat production in Denmark, and in other wheat-producing areas, in conjunction with legal requirements for organic seed production, may potentially lead to a rise in common bunt occurrence. As systemic pesticides are not used in organic farming, organic wheat production systems may benefit from genetic resistances. However, little is known about the underlying genetic mechanisms and locations of the resistance factors for common bunt resistance in wheat. A double haploid (DH) population segregating for common bunt resistance was used to identify the chromosomal location of common bunt resistance gene Bt9. DH lines were phenotyped in three environments and genotyped with DArTseq and SSR markers. The total length of the resulting linkage... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Breeding; Genetics and propagation. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34174/1/Steffan2017_Article_MappingOfCommonBuntResistanceG.pdf |
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Steffan, Philipp; Borgen, Anders; Lazzaro, Mariaterresa; Backes, Gunter; Rasmussen, Søren Kjærgaard. |
Utilising diverse populations instead of single line varieties is expected to lead to a number of advantages in cereal production. These include reduced epidemics of plant diseases, improved weed competition and better exploitation of soil nutrients, resulting in improved yield stability. However, a number of challenges must be met before diverse wheat populations can be introduced into commercial wheat production: one of these is the development of breeding technologies based on mass selection which enable breeders and farmers to improve specific traits in populations and maintain diversity at the same time. |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Breeding; Genetics and propagation Crop health; Quality; Protection. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/22183/7/22183.pdf |
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Backes, Gunter; Østergard, Hanne. |
One of the substantial differences between conventional and organic growing systems is the degree to which the farmer can control biotic and abiotic stresses; for organic growing systems varieties are needed with a broad adaptation to annually varying factors, while at the same time a good specific adaptation is necessary with respect to more constant climate and soil conditions. This combination of requirements implies that varieties for organic farming need to be better characterised with respect to genotype x environment interactions than varieties for conventional farming. Such interactions, which often are found for quantitatively expressed traits, are in general difficult to deal with in phenotypic selection. New approaches for QTL analyses (e.g.... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Technology assessment Breeding; Genetics and propagation. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/18195/1/18195.pdf |
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Ingvordsen, Cathrine Heinz; Backes, Gunter; Lyngkjær, M.; Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo; Jensen, Jens D.; Jalli, Marja; Jahoor, Ahmed; Rasmussen, Morten; Mikkelsen, Tesi N.; Stockmarr, A.; Jørgensen, Rikke Bagger. |
tThe response in production parameters to projected future levels of temperature, atmospheric carbondioxide ([CO2]), and ozone ([O3]) was investigated in 138 spring barley accessions. The comprehensive setof landraces, cultivars, and breeder-lines, were during their entire life cycle exposed to a two-factor treat-ment of combined elevated temperature (+5°C day/night) and [CO2] (700 ppm), as well as single-factortreatments of elevated temperature (+5°C day/night), [CO2] (700 ppm), and [O3] (100–150 ppb). Thecontrol treatment was equivalent to present average South Scandinavian climate (temperature: 19/12◦C(day/night), [CO2]: 385 ppm). Overall grain yield was found to decrease 29% in the two-factor treatmentwith concurrent elevation of [CO2] and temperature,... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Production systems Food security; Food quality and human health Air and water emissions Breeding; Genetics and propagation. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/28030/7/28030.pdf |
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Borgen, Anders; Backes, Gunter; Müller, Karl-Josef; Spieß, Hartmut. |
When assesssing races of common bunt for virulens pattern within a region, it is important to take into account that collected spores may represent a diverse population of different virulence races. When screening spores on a differential set of wheat lines with known resistance genes, a low infection rate on a resistant wheat variety does not necessarily demonstrate that virulence is absent in the spore collection, but could be a sign that virulence is present, but only present in a low frequency among the spores. If just a few spores within a spore sample are indeed virulent, they may infect some plants and from there multiply the virulence quite rapidly next years. Previous studies have shown that virulence against most resistance genes were present in... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Breeding; Genetics and propagation. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34171/1/borgen-etal-2018-XX_Bunt_Proceedings.pdf |
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Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Backes, Gunter; de Vriend, H.C.; Østergård, H.. |
Plant geneticists consider molecular marker assisted selection a useful additional tool in plant breeding programs to make selection more efficient. Standards for organic agriculture do not exclude the use of molecular markers as such, however for the organic sector the appropriateness of molecular markers is not self-evident and is often debated. Organic and low-input farming conditions require breeding for robust and flexible varieties, which may be hampered by too much focus on the molecular level. Pros and contras for application of molecular markers in breeding for organic agriculture was the topic of a recent European plant breeding workshop. The participants evaluated strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the use of molecular markers... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Breeding and genetics. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/18232/4/18232.pdf |
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Backes, Gunter. |
Genetic markers have been used since the beginnings of plant breeding, but the concept of linkage and recently the availability of molecular markers have offered new and powerful tools that can help to perform the traditional tasks of selection or that can change the traditional breeding process. Markers can either be used in a descriptive manner to identify varieties, to study the ‘micro-evolution’ of composite crosses or variety mixtures or to analyse the breeding progress retrospectively in order to learn from the past. The operative use of markers in plant breeding is connected to the selection of parental lines and progeny lines. The possible implementation of these processes stretches from the introgression of specific chromosome fragments to... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Breeding; Genetics and propagation. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/8217/1/8217.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 16 | |