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A viscoelastic-viscoplastic model to describe creep and strain rate effects on the mechanical behaviour of adhesively-bonded assemblies ArchiMer
Ilioni, Alin; Badulescu, C.; Carrere, N.; Davies, Peter; Thevenet, D..
Most of the adhesives used in the marine industry are polymers with a mechanical behaviour which is strongly influenced by the strain rate. Therefore, it is important to predict with accuracy their viscous behaviour. To describe their mechanical behaviour in a bonded joint, a viscoelastic-viscoplastic constitutive law is proposed here. The viscous effects on the elastic behaviour is described using a spectral distribution, which divides the viscous strain as the sum of the strains of several viscous mechanisms, each of them with a different characteristic time and weight. The viscoplastic component of the model permits a better description of the strong non-linear behaviour of the adhesives. The parameters of the constitutive law are obtained using an...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Epoxides; Mechanical properties of adhesives; Creep / mechanical relaxation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Investigating the fracture behavior of adhesively bonded metallic joints using the Arcan fixture ArchiMer
Stamoulis, G.; Carrere, N.; Cognard, J. -y.; Davies, Peter; Badulescu, C..
In the present study, the fracture behavior of a crash optimized adhesive was examined by means of the Arcan fixture. The specimens were prepared using substrates of Aluminum 2017 A and two pre-cracks (one per each extremity of the joint) were created. The section of the substrates has been specially designed to stabilize crack propagation. The thickness of the adhesive layer was fixed at 0.5 mm. The tests were performed in the mixed mode I/II plane and under compression/shear load, at a speed of 0.5 mm/min. To avoid measuring the crack length during the experiments, an alternative methodology to calculate the fracture toughness is proposed. The results are in good accordance with previously published data on the same adhesive using “classical” TDCB...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arcan fixture; Structural adhesives; Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics; Fracture toughness; Finite element analysis.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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