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Efficient Emission Fees in the U.S. Electricity Sector AgEcon
Banzhaf, H. Spencer; Burtraw, Dallas; Palmer, Karen L..
This paper provides new estimates of efficient emission fees for sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions in the U.S. electricity sector. The estimates are obtained by coupling a detailed simulation model of the U.S. electricity markets with an integrated assessment model that links changes in emissions with atmospheric transport, environmental endpoints, and valuation of impacts. Efficient fees are found by comparing incremental benefits with emission fee levels. National quantity caps that are equivalent to these fees also are computed, and found to approximate caps under consideration in the current multi-pollutant debate in the U.S. Congress and the recent proposals from the Bush administration for the electricity industry. We also...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Emissions trading; Emission fees; Air pollution; Cost-benefit analysis; Electricity; Particulates; Nitrogen oxides; NOx; Sulfur dioxide; SO2; Health benefits; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q2; Q4; D61.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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General Equilibrium Benefit Transfers for Spatial Externalities: Revisiting EPA's Prospective Analysis AgEcon
Smith, V. Kerry; Sieg, Holger; Banzhaf, H. Spencer; Walsh, Randy.
Environmental policy analyses increasingly require the evaluation of benefits from large changes in spatially differentiated public goods. Such changes are likely to induce general equilibrium effects through changes in household expenditures and local migration, yet current practice "transfers" constant marginal values for even the largest changes. Moreover, it ignores important distributional effects of policy. This paper demonstrates that recently developed locational equilibrium models can provide transferable general equilibrium benefit measures. Our results suggest that taking account of the potential for adjustment and household heterogeneity is important. Applying benefits estimated from this method to the effect of the Clean Air Act amendments in...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Air quality; Clean air act; Non-market valuation; Tiebout model; Environmental Economics and Policy; H41; Q25; R13.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Green Price Indices AgEcon
Banzhaf, H. Spencer.
This paper suggests two theoretically consistent and empirically tractable ways that a cost-ofliving index can be expanded to include the environment and other public goods. In addition, it presents an empirical illustration of such an index for Los Angeles, California, incorporating air quality and other spatially varying public goods using a hedonic model. The results indicate that the required information can be recovered and that including public goods can make a noticeable difference in the index.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Air quality; Green accounting; Hedonic regression; Nonmarket valuation; Price index; Demand and Price Analysis; E31; H40; I00; Q25; R10.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Meta Analysis in Model Implementation: Choice Sets and the Valuation of Air Quality Improvements AgEcon
Banzhaf, H. Spencer; Smith, V. Kerry.
We document the sensitivity of welfare estimates derived from discrete choice models to assumptions about the choice set. Such assumptions can affect welfare estimates through both the estimated parameters of the model and, conditional on the parameters, the substitution among alternatives. Our analysis involves estimates of the benefits of air quality improvements in Los Angeles based on discrete choices of neighborhood and housing. We further illustrate the use of meta analysis to document and summarize voluminous information derived from repeated sensitivity analyses.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Meta analysis; Random utility model; Choice set; Air quality; Housing; Environmental Economics and Policy; C15; Q25; R21.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Quality Adjustment for Spatially-Delineated Public Goods: Theory and Application to Cost-of-Living Indices in Los Angeles AgEcon
Banzhaf, H. Spencer.
This paper illustrates how public goods may be incorporated into a cost-of-living index. When public goods are weak complements to a market good, quality-adjusted prices for the market good capture all the welfare information required. They are also consistent with a Laspeyres index that maintains the bound on a true cost-of-living index. The paper recovers this information from a discrete-choice model, using a simulation routine to solve for the appropriate price adjustments. These concepts are applied to the case of housing, education, crime, and air quality in Los Angeles for 1989 to 1994. Over a period of time when they are improving, incorporating pubic goods into the index lowers the estimated change in the cost of living by 0.5 to 2.6 percentage...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Air quality; Discrete choice models; Green accounting; Nonmarket valuation; Price index; Public Economics; C51; D12; D60; E31; H40; R10.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The Architecture and Measurement of an Ecosystem Services Index AgEcon
Banzhaf, H. Spencer; Boyd, James.
This paper describes the construction of an ecological services index (ESI). An ESI is meant to summarize and track over time the magnitude of beneficial services arising from the natural environment. A central task of this paper is to define rigorously ecosystem services so that services can be counted in an economically and ecologically defensible manner - a requirement if ecological contributions to welfare are to be incorporated into the national accounts. This paper advocates a particular economic structure and relates it to index theory and makes concrete recommendations for the measurement of such an index.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Ecosystem services; Green GDP; Index numbers; Ecological economics; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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What Are Ecosystem Services? The Need for Standardized Environmental Accounting Units AgEcon
Boyd, James; Banzhaf, H. Spencer.
This paper advocates consistently defined units of account to measure the contributions of nature to human welfare. We argue that such units have to date not been defined by environmental accounting advocates and that the term "ecosystem services" is too ad hoc to be of practical use in welfare accounting. We propose a definition, rooted in economic principles, of ecosystem service units. A goal of these units is comparability with the definition of conventional goods and services found in GDP and the other national accounts. We illustrate our definition of ecological units of account with concrete examples. We also argue that these same units of account provide an architecture for environmental performance measurement by governments, conservancies, and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental accounting; Ecosystem services; Index theory; Nonmarket valuation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q51; Q57; Q58; D6.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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