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Delamination behaviour of very high modulus carbon/epoxy marine composites ArchiMer
Baral, N; Davies, Peter; Baley, C; Bigourdan, Benoit.
This paper presents a study of the delamination resistance Of unidirectional carbon fibre reinforced epoxy composites manufactured from prepreg for racing yacht mast applications. Fibre modulus has been varied from 290 to 640 GPa. Two manufacturing methods, oven cure under vacuum and autoclave, were used to produce samples. Results show that delamination resistance tinder mode I and mixed mode loading decreases as fibre modulus increases. The manufacturing route affects G, values by modifying interlaminar layer geometry but does not change the trend of lower toughness with increasing fibre modulus. For the pitch composites crack propagation is observed within the fibres, in addition to more usual matrix and interface cracking. For the very high modulus...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mixed mode; Fracture toughness; Polymers; Carbon fibres; Delamination.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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High modulus carbon fibre composites: Correlation between transverse tensile and mode I interlaminar fracture properties ArchiMer
Baral, N; Guezenoc, H; Davies, Peter; Baley, C.
This paper presents test results from mode I interlaminar fracture and transverse tensile tests on unidirectional carbon/epoxy composites used in racing yacht construction. Fibre modulus has been varied from 380 to 640 GPa. PAN fibre reinforced composite properties, delamination resistance (G(Ie) and G(Ip)) and transverse strain to failure, decrease as fibre modulus increases. Composites based on the highest modulus pitch fibres show higher transverse failure strains than the highest modulus PAN fibre composites. A distinct failure mechanism, crack propagation within the fibres, was observed for the pitch based reinforcement. The transverse tensile tests allowed transverse fibre modulus to be estimated as 11.5 GPa for the PAN and 9 GPa for the pitch...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carbon fibre; Fracture; Deformation; Delamination; Composite materials.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Transverse properties of carbon fibres by nano-indentation and micro-mechanics ArchiMer
Maurin, R; Davies, Peter; Baral, N; Baley, C.
In this study the transverse modulus of three high modulus (M40, M46 and K63712) carbon fibres has first been measured directly by nano-indentation measurements. Transverse tensile tests on unidirectional epoxy composites were then performed, and the comparison was made between transverse fibre properties from indentation and those needed to obtain the measured transverse composite modulus using micromechanics expressions. The latter tended to underestimate values from indentation, by up to 36%, and reasons for this are discussed. Values of transverse fibre modulus determined by both methods decrease as longitudinal fibre modulus increases.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Transverse tensile; Nano indentation; Epoxy; Carbon fibre.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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